Among Us Developers Say They 'Burnt Out' After Twitch Success
It’s weird to think about, but there was a time less than a year ago when Among Us wasn’t a household name. When it first launched in 2018, it wasn’t a failure, exactly, but it seemed destined to live out its days as quietly as a good imposter—except without the killing. Then, last summer, it blew...
How To Play PS5 Games On A PS4
New PlayStation 5 consoles are still impossible to find, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play PS5 games like Returnal and Ratchet & Clank. You just need a PlayStation 4. And a friend...with a PS5. Oh, yeah, and you’ll both need PS Plus subscriptions. And some patience. Okay, it’s not exactly...
E3 Had A Surprising Number of Nonviolent Games
Thirty-three percent of all the games shown at E3 and Summer Game Fest were non-violent, according to an analysis done by more
Nintendo Scores Highest Peak Viewership Of E3
Switch Pro or not, Nintendo still had the most people watching its E3 2021 presentation. Nintendo amassed 3.1 million peak viewers for its nearly 40 minute presentation, according to yesterday’s tweet from Stream Hatchet, a data analytics firm specializing in video game streaming.Read more
Star Wars Studio Head At Ubisoft Steps Down
Following a rocky year that included allegations of abuse and misconduct, Ubisoft once again finds itself in uncertain territory. Ubisoft Massive managing director David Polfeldt is stepping down.Read more
PS5 Users Will Soon Be Able To Beta Test Future Updates
The PS5 is getting a beta program that will let users try out upcoming console updates before they go live to everyone else. Sony announced the program today, and folks can start signing up now. Read more
Autor Five Nights at Freddy’s končí s vývojem her, značka bude žít dál
Americký herní vývojář Scott Cawthon, který se proslavil hororovou sérií Five Nights at Freddy’s, ve svých 43 letech nečekaně oznámil, že už se na produkci dalších dílů nebude nijak podílet. Chce se prý nadále soustředit jen na svoji rozvětvenou rodinu
Pokémon Unite's Arena Battles Go Live In July
Announced last year to confused head tilts, Pokémon Unite is an online battle arena game in which teams of five pocket monsters battle it out over a strange substance know as Aeos energy. Today The Pokémon Company and TiMi Studio Group announced that the free-to-start PokéMOBA launches on Switch...
Pokémon UNITE vyjde v červenci na Switch a v září na mobily
Pokémon UNITE vyjde v červenci na Switch a v září na mobily
Three Hours With Tales Of Arise
For years, Tales games have looked the same, felt the same, played the same, probably even smelled the same, y’know, if game code had fragrance. Each successive entry introduces a tweak or three to established formula—say, a shift to how you cook food, or an overhaul to the combat system—but...
The Nintendo Download: The Strange Olympics
The constant flow of new Nintendo Switch games slows to a relative trickle in the wake of E3 2021, with only 23 new games coming to the Switch eShop this week. They include Rebellion’s 2018 co-op supernatural shooter Strange Brigade, and Sega’s fresh take on the Tokyo Olympics. Read more