GTA Online Player Tries Performing Hamlet, Dies
It is not uncommon for people to put on performances in Grand Theft Auto Online. These days, there are entire role play servers with special modifications that allow players to better strut and fret their hour upon the stage, and they’re hugely popular. But players don’t usually do much acting...
Guardians Of The Galaxy Devs Say It's Single-Player For Better Storytelling
When Eidos Montreal revealed Guardians of the Galaxy at E3 2021, many were surprised to see the upcoming Marvel game will be a single-player, Star-Lord-focused experience rather than offering multiplayer with the whole ragtag squad. But the developers have since made clear that taking a different...
Which E3 Character Makes For The Most Cunning Linguist?
And now, for absolutely no reason at all (thanks Batman), here’s a bunch of characters we saw at E3 along with expert analysis as to whether or not they go down on folks with vaginas.Read more
Breath Of The Wild Fans Are Competing To Nail The Biggest Combo
So you can do consistent flurry rushes in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, huh? Big whoop. Arguably, you’re not even playing the same game as the BotW fans who have mastered the combat well beyond Nintendo’s intended gameplay.Read more
Don't buy (Steam games) for me, Argentina...
The truth is - players are being naughty
Xbox One Will Soon Be Able To Stream Next-Gen Games
As we enter the sixth month of the great console shortage of 2021 and the infinity-th month of you not having $500 to just throw around, you might be starting to feel like you’ll never get your ticket to board the next-gen express. Well, take heart, because Microsoft is planning on making its slate...
Final Fantasy Origin’s Normie Fuckboy Scores More Stylish Gear As You Play
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin’s main character looks completely out of place, but here’s some good news from the newly fixed demo: His wardrobe quickly expands to include clothes and accessories that better fit the setting.Read more
Every Confirmed New Game At E3 2021
As E3 2021 relentlessly marches from one streaming event to the next, it can be difficult to keep track of all the games making their big debut. Was that game new? Haven’t we heard of it before? No, wait, it was totally announced at that one event last year!Read more
Fortnite, Worth Billions, Offering Paltry Prize Money For Design Contest
Yesterday, Fortnite announced a “Concept Royale” competition. Players can submit skin ideas, and two winners “will have their concepts turned into in-game Outfits in Fortnite, and will also each receive a $2,500 cash prize.” At first glance it doesn’t look like a bad deal, but $2.5k for a design...
Starfield Is An Xbox Exclusive, And Pete Hines Is Sorry
Starfield, the big space-faring RPG from Bethesda, isn’t coming to PlayStation. Microsoft confirmed as much in its E3 2021 press conference. This morning, Bethesda’s Pete Hines addressed—and even apologized—for the exclusivity in a live-streamed interview with GameSpot.Read more
Report: Breath of the Wild 2's Real Title Might Give It Way, Nintendo says
Yesterday, Nintendo came out swinging with its E3 presentation, showing off a trailer for the long-anticipated Breath of the Wild 2. But amidst the explosion of new fan art and fan speculation, you might have noticed that Nintendo isn’t calling this game BotW 2 like everyone else is.Read more
Kampaň na pokračování Bulánků skončila na patnáctinásobku požadované částky
Za třicet dnů crowdfundingové kampaně na výrobu druhého dílu kultovní české videohry Bulánci se podařilo vybrat přes sedm milionů korun. Původní cíl se tak podařilo naplnit na téměř 1 500 procent