Nintendo At E3 2021: The Biggest Announcements, In Four-And-A-Half Minutes
Nintendo’s E3 2021-flavored Direct presentation was meatier than most of the last few days, with a good deal of info on upcoming games and surprise reveals. If you don’t have the time to sit through the entire press conference, our video is the perfect place to get all the juicy highlights in just...
Metroid Dread’s Adam Won’t Order Samus Around, Says Nintendo
It’s been a busy day for E3 2021, with the biggest announcement probably being Nintendo’s revival of the long-rumored Metroid Dread title for the series’ fifth mainline installment. Metroid Dread, coming to Switch on October 8, again follows Samus Aran on her planetary explorations, but also...
LEGO, Adidas, What Are You Doing
My eyes. My eyes.Read more
Junji Ito's Uzumaki Manga Looks Incredible As An Anime Series
We already knew that Junji Ito’s horror story Uzumaki was being turned into an animated series, but today we got our first good look at it, as well as word of a new release date.Read more
Ancient ‘90s Code From Quake Still Controls Lights In Half-Life: Alyx
Reddit user CrazyGiaky noticed something interesting about the flickering lights in Half-Life Alyx. When compared next to flickering lights in the original Half-Life game, the two seemed to sync up. It seemed like Valve was still using the same bit of code to control these lights 22 years later....
Mysterious ‘Evil Farming Game’ Never Actually Existed
For the past few years, the internet has grappled with a cold case: Remember that game that was, like, a farming sim, kinda like Harvest Moon, but you have to kill your wife and keep her body hidden from the police? What was it called, again? It had the ring of a creepypasta, but it also sounded...
Pokračování kultovního Stalkera vypadá přesně tak, jak si fanoušci vysnili
Po dlouhé odmlce se příští rok vrátí legendární postapokalyptická střílečka S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Strhující trailer představený v rámci E3 prezentace Microsoftu sice neukázal nic extra originálního, ale minimálně po technologické stránce musí být všichni spokojeni
Breath Of The Wild 2 Looks A Lot Like Skyward Sword, Huh?
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword is perhaps one of the most divisive main titles in the entire Legend of Zelda series. But with a new HD re-release and elements seen in today’s Breath of the Wild 2 trailer, Nintendo seems to want to rehab Skyward Sword’s reputation.Read more
Everything Is Left 4 Dead Now
It wasn’t too long ago that it seemed like Left 4 Dead was six feet under. Sure, there were Warhammer games that followed in its footsteps, but there’s a Warhammer game for every existing genre—and several genres that haven’t been invented yet. Now, though, everybody’s doing first-person co-op...
BOTW 2's First Gameplay Trailer: 7 Details That Are Pouring Gasoline On Fan Theories
Everyone holding their breath for any news pertaining to Breath of the Wild 2 can finally let out a big ol’ exhale because Nintendo finally gave us a look at what we’ll be doing in the RPG follow-up. But in all that excitement, it’s pretty easy to miss some finer details hiding in the absolutely...
Xbox Series X Loses One Of Its Few Exclusives To The PS5
The Medium is one of the few Xbox Series X/S console exclusive games. But not for long. Developers Bloober Team and Sony have announced that The Medium will become a multiplatform next-gen game when it launches on PS5 on September 3.Read more
Nintendo’s E3 2021 Direct: All The Biggest Announcements
The last big presentation of E3 2021 happened today, with a Nintendo Direct. Here are all the big announcements Nintendo made during the show.Read more