
Nalezeno "CSS3": 12

A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features

I was just writing in my “What’s new in since CSS3?” article about recent and possible future changes to CSS colors. It’s weirdly a lot. There are just as many or more new and upcoming ways to define colors than … A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features...

What should someone learn about CSS if they last boned up during CSS3?

What's new in CSS? If someone asked you that, who knows CSS but hasn't stayed up to date the last, say, half a decade or more, what advice would you give? What should someone learn about CSS if they last boned up during CSS3? originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter...

Test Your Site With Real Users

A few years ago, there was this French book publisher. They specialize in technical books and published an author who wrote a book about CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery. The final version, however, a glaring typo on the cover where “HTML5” …

CSS in 3D: Learning to Think in Cubes Instead of Boxes

My path to learning CSS was a little unorthodox. I didn’t start as a front-end developer. I was a Java developer. In fact, my earliest recollections of CSS were picking colors for things in Visual Studio. It wasn’t until later that I got to tackle and find my love for the front end....

Dark Ages of the Web

A very fun jaunt through the early days of front-end web development. They are open to pull requests, so submit one if you’re into this kind of fun chronicling of our weird history! That CSS3 Button generator really hits home. 😬 Direct Link to Article — Permalink… Read...

A Few Background Patterns Sites

If I need a quick background pattern to spruce something up, I often think of the CSS3 Patterns Gallery. Some of those are pretty intense but remember they are easily editable because they are just CSS. That means you could take these bold zags and chill them out. CodePen Embed Fallback My usual...


My name appears in an article from Bert Bos (co-author of the original CSS spec), so I'll consider that a life accomplishment. Berts makes the point that CSS has evolved and the working group versions things, but the working group hasn't been and doesn't really plan to be involved in these...

CSS4 is a Bad Idea

Louis Lazaris, reacting to the idea of CSS4: The reason “CSS3” worked is because it was real. It was the successor to “CSS2.1”. Everything after CSS2.1 was considered to be under the umbrella of “CSS3”. The gist is that CSS4 isn't real, so won't work, and we don't need it anyway. Perhaps...


Tab Atkins in 2012: There has never been a CSS4. There will never be a CSS4. CSS4 is not a thing that exists. Rachel Andrew in 2016: While referring to all new CSS as CSS3 worked for a short time, it doesn’t reflect the reality of where CSS is today. If you read something...

Perceived Velocity through Version Numbers

HTML5 and CSS3 were big. So big that they were buzzwords that actually meant something and were a massive success story in pushing web technology forward. JavaScript names their big releases now too: ES6, ES7, ES8... and it seems like it will keep going that way. But HTML and CSS are done with that...

Solved with CSS! Logical Styling Based on the Number of Given Elements

This post is the third in a series about the power of CSS. Article Series: Colorizing SVG Backgrounds Dropdown Menus Logical Styling Based On the Number of Given Elements (this post) Did you know that CSS is Turing complete? Did you know that you can use it to do some pretty serious logical...

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