How to Send an iMessage From Command Line
As somewhat of a recluse, believe me when I say that text messages, instant messenger, and iMessage have relieved me of loads of anxiety and wasted time with short, meaningless voice chat. It’s been a decade since these communication types have become popular so we’ve moved on from...
How to Add a User Stylesheet in Firefox
While many like to complain about CSS these days, it’s important to remember how amazing CSS is; the CSS language is: easy to learn easy to read easy to write simple to understand Web developers and designers alike love that CSS allows us to take text/media and present it in a beautiful...
Nested Destructuring
Destructuring in JavaScript can initially feel confusing but the truth is that destructuring can make your code a bit more logical and straight forward. Destructuring does look a bit more complex when you’re looking for a property several objects deep, so let’s have a look at how to...
Force Download with JavaScript
Force download scripts have been an important part of internet usability for a long time.  I can attest to that by the number of times I’ve implemented this feature on the server side and the popularity of my PHP Force Download post, even to this day.  With the web world having...
Deboob aneb „prsatá“ aplikace weboob bude odejita z Debianu
Balíček Web Outside of Browsers (zkratka Weboob) do budoucna již nemá být součástí distribuce Debian
CSS Ellipsis Beginning of String
I was incredibly happy when CSS text-overflow: ellipsis (married with fixed width and overflow: hidden was introduced to the CSS spec and browsers; the feature allowed us to stop trying to marry JavaScript width calculation with string width calculation and truncation. CSS ellipsis was also very...
1000 účastníků a 45 speakerů z celého světa, to je Machine Learning Prague 2019
Ve dnech 22.-24. února proběhne v pražském Rudolfinu největší konference o strojovém učení v Evropě Machine Learning Prague 2019
JavaScript waitForever
Writing mochitests for new features in DevTools can be difficult and time-consuming. There are so many elements interacting in an async manner that I oftentimes find myself using the debugger to debug the debugger! In the case where it’s unclear what interaction isn’t working...
Jaké novinky přinese PHP 7.3
Vydání PHP 7.3 je plánováno na 6. prosince 2018. Přináší několik nových funkcí, vylepšení a různá pročištění jazyka. Oproti jiným vydáním mu sice chybí nějaký trhák, ale na druhou stranu nepřibyly ani žádné zásadní nekompatibilní změny, takže upgrade bude snadný
Get Viewport Lines and Columns in CodeMirror
CodeMirror is an amazing utility for presenting code in a browser environment. Syntax highlighting, widgets, and a number of advanced functions make it a unique, useful tool. When using CodeMirror inside the Firefox DevTools debugger, I found that adding hundreds of column breakpoint widgets...
Replace Last Command in Shell
Whether I fat-finger a command or my MacBook Pro keyboard’s keys don’t want to respond like they should, I’m frequently misspelling commands. What’s more frustrating is that many of these commands are long, taking making fixing theme time-consuming. Luckily a Twitter...
Důvěryhodnost domény se zabezpečením DNSSEC
Chcete vědět, jakou doménu si kvůli bezpečnosti vybrat? Čím jsou české domény chráněné a jak takové zabezpečení pracuje? Pro kvalitní zabezpečení proti podvržení stránek úspěšně funguje zabezpečení DNSSEC, kterým jsou zabezpečeny také české domény
Script & Style Show: Episode 28: “Get Off My Lawn”, and Other Software Stories with Eric Brandes
In this episode: Todd and David kick things off bantering about cell phones, Android rot, and the good old days of Windows XP and piracy. Todd’s colleague Eric Brandes gets us back on track with a discussion about trusting proven technologies, not chasing the latest fads, how TrackJS...
Script & Style Show: Episode 26: Web Games with ExcaliburJS with Erik Onarheim and Kamran Ayub
In this episode: Todd returns from a vacation to Disney and gives David some tips about surviving a family visit to Orlando’s most famous theme parks. Erik Onarheim and Kamran Ayub join the guys to discuss HTML5 games, the Excalibur JavaScript HTML5 game library, the amazing games made with...
Poslední sobota #100 celodenní konference
24. listopadu se v pražské Paralelní Polis opět uskuteční sraz webových vývojářů Poslední sobota alias PoSobota. Ku příležitosti 100. jsme se rozhodli ji uchopit trošku jinak. Větší. Okruh témat je různorodý, ale blízký webovému…
The Object object has been buffed with useful methods over the past few years. Object.keys, Object.values, Object.freeze, and Object.assign all address frequently desired functionality. One of the new Object methods is fromEntries, which accepts a Map or map-like array nesting and converts it...
Download a YouTube Channel’s Videos
YouTube is an endless source of entertainment, be it stuff you’re proud to share you like or stuff you would rather others not know about (see: David’s history of watching old WWE Royal Rumbles). I watch a lot of YouTube in hotels and on flights when I don’t have internet access...
Turn Bluetooth On and Off from Command Line on macOS
Bluetooth has been a revelation in wireless technology: wireless mice, headphones, streaming devices, and a variety of home and office environments. It goes without saying that wireless peripherals are so much easier to manage than wired counterparts, especially mice, that I usually have...
Get Up and Win
Down on my hands and knees, I crawl around, bleeding out. I’m resigned to my fate. A kind stranger, a new friend, rushes over to me and kneels to help, reviving me at a time that didn’t require it. Just as I’m revived, the kind stranger says “Get up and win”. I...
Lessons in Failure: Removing the Old Debugger from Firefox
Joining the Firefox DevTools team was a dream come true for me. I shared why in the first episode of the Script & Style show but the quick summary is that I grew up loving Firefox (even before it was called “Firefox”) because Mozilla cared about developers via their early developer...