Moving a Self-Hosted WordPress Site to
I have a habit of getting some hosting when I need a new WordPress site. That is, a self-installed, self-hosted site. That's served me well over the years. I like my control. But along with that control comes a certain level of extra responsibility that sometimes just isn't worth...
Příprava designu, po které touží každý kodér
Dnes se podíváme na spolupráci mezi grafikem a kodérem. Text je psaný z pohledu grafika. Co vše by měl udělat, než vám kodérům předá grafické podklady, abyste s nimi mohli dobře pracovat? Není toho málo. Porovnejte si to s podklady, které na stůl dostáváte vy. A pokud nevyhovují, pošlete vašemu...
There is a lot to like about Gaddafi Rusli's ICONSVG.
It provides inline <svg>, which is the most generically useful way to deliver them, and probably how they should be used anyway. Each icon is a tiny amount of SVG and I'd bet they were all hand-golfed.
They are all stroke-based, so they...
Dealing with overflow and position: sticky;
Any overflow value other than visible and no height is the enemy of child elements with position: sticky;. It's like that element is ready to stick when the parent scrolls, but it never does because the height is unconstrained. Adding a fixed height can solve the issue, but that's not always...
Responsive Designs and CSS Custom Properties: Defining Variables and Breakpoints
CSS custom properties (a.k.a. CSS variables) are becoming more and more popular. They finally reached decent browser support and are slowly making their way into various production environments. The popularity of custom properties shouldn’t come as a surprise, because they can be really helpful...
Spoják #8: Chrome nezablokuje blokátory, Edge neblokoval Flash.
Heslovitě: TargetText. Manifest v3 a blokátory. LibreJS. A11Y. Cesty ve WSL. Rerequest review. GitLab 11.8. Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.1. Back/forward cache. Encodér VP9. Redis relicencuje. Edge whitelistuje Flash. Chrome ve Windows Timeline. WorldWideWeb. Simdjson. 3D engine...
Dnes probíhá WordCamp Prague 2019
Okamžiky z WordCamp Prague 2019
Using CSS Grid the right way
Violet Peña has shared her recommendations for using CSS Grid. They basically boil down to these high-level points:
Use names instead of numbers for setting up our grid columns.
fr should be our flexible unit of choice.
We don’t really need a grid system anymore.
Although this is all great advice...
Writing Animations That Bring Your Site to Life
Web animation is one of the factors that can strongly enhance your website’s look and feel. Sadly, unlike mobile apps, there aren’t as many websites using animation to their benefit as you would think. We don’t want to count yours among those, so this article is for you and anyone else looking...
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): seznamte se, prosím
Doporučení WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Směrnice o přístupnosti webového obsahu) aktuálně ve verzi 2.1 představuje v současné době nejrozšířenější a celosvětově uznávanou metodiku tvorby přístupného (nejen webového) obsahu. Za jeho vytvořením stojí pracovní skupina WAI v rámci...
I was recently a guest editor for an issue of Bizarro Devs. It's a great newsletter! Go sign up! I put in a bunch of links around blobs. Like those weird squishy random shapes that are so "in" right now. Here are those links as well. I'm always a fan of publishing stuff I write ;)
Blobs! Blobs...
Deliver your best work with the help of
(This is a sponsored post.)
Here's the situation: You've bashed out a complicated design over two weeks of near full-time effort, gotten everything down to the exact spec of the design file, turn it in for stakeholder review and... you're way off scope. Turns out a few folks on the team put their...
Deliver your best work with the help of
(This is a sponsored post.)
Here's the situation: You've bashed out a complicated design over two weeks of near full-time effort, gotten everything down to the exact spec of the design file, turn it in for stakeholder review and... you're way off scope. Turns out a few folks on the team put their...
CSS Variables + calc() + rgb() = Enforcing High Contrast Colors
As you may know, the recent updates and additions to CSS are extremely powerful. From Flexbox to Grid, and — what we’re concerned about here — Custom Properties (aka CSS variables), all of which make robust and dynamic layouts and interfaces easier than ever while opening up many other...
Spoják #7 – Začínají fungovat nové domény .dev. Staré neaktualizované GPS fungovat přestávají.
Heslovitě: Google Docst REST API. Bootstrap 4.3.0. ImmortalDB. Linaria 1.0. WebBluetooth. Články 11 a 13. Přetečení v GPS. Logstalgia. Ngrok. Domény .dev
Colorful Typographic Experiments
There have been some interesting, boundary-pushing typography-related experiments lately. I was trying to think of a joke like "somethings in the descenders" but I just can't find something that will stand on its own leg without being easy to counter.
Codrin Pavel created a fascinating multi-color...
Did you see this Facebook crap?
"Why do I need a 4Ghz quadcore to run facebook?" This is why. A single word split up into 11 HTML DOM elements to avoid adblockers.
— Mike Pan (@themikepan) February 6, 2019
I popped over to Facebook to verify that and what...
Diana Smith’s Top 5 CSS Properties She Uses to Produce CSS Art
Have you seen Diana Smith's CSS drawings? Stunning. These far transcend the CSS drawings that sort of crudely replicate a flat SVG scene, like I might attempt. We were lucky enough for her to post some of her CSS drawing techniques here last year.
Well, Diana has also listed the top five...
Web<element> – první vydání fullstack konference
Jak to vlastně je s těmi full-stack vývojáři? Existují? Nebo jsou to jen urban legends? Ale víte co? Je to jedno. Ale co taková konfrence, která bude mít široký přesah? Tak na to odpověd máme v podobě prvního webelementu
Social Cards as a Service
I love the idea of programmatically generated images. That power is close at hand these days for us front-end developers, thanks to the concept of headless browsers. Take Puppeteer, the library for controlling headless Chrome. Generating images from URLs is their default use case:
const puppeteer...