Render Snarky Comments in Comic Sans
Hilarious idea by Zach Leatherman. To test if a comment is "snarky" or not, there is an npm package up to the task.
On this site, we generally just delete snarky comments, but I still run a WordPress plugin that allows me to "feature" or "bury" comments. It's old but it still works fine in...
Circle and Coinbase's Centre Seeks to Form Consortium to Promote, Issue USDC
Coinbase and Circle open up the Centre consortium for new members to join, hoping to increase interoperability and transparency among stablecoins
7 Darknet Markets Where Your Cryptocurrency Is Welcome
Whether you’re a Store of Value advocate or a Medium of Exchange purveyor, every bitcoiner ought to spend a little crypto from time to time. Consider it as paying it forward, spreading the love, fostering adoption or simply treating yourself. And where better to send your spare satoshis than...
Reduced Motion Picture Technique, Take Two
Did you see that neat technique for using the <picture> element with <source media=""> to serve an animated image (or not) based on a prefers-reduced-motion media query?
After we shared that in our newsletter, we got an interesting reply from Michael Gale:
What about folks who love...
Weekly Platform News: Mozilla’s AV1 Encoder, Samsung One UI CSS, DOM Matches Method
In this week's weekly roundup, Vimeo and Mozilla partner up on a video encoding format, how to bind instructions to to form fields using aria labels, the DOM has a matching function, and Samsung is working on its own CSS library.
The post Weekly Platform News: Mozilla’s AV1 Encoder, Samsung One...
Web Server Security Firm Cloudflare Announces Launch of Ethereum Gateway
Web server security service company Cloudflare has launched an Ethereum gateway
How to Section Your HTML
The sectioning elements in HTML5 are <nav>, <aside>, <article>, and <section>. <body> is also kind of a sectioning element since all content lying inside of it is part of the default document section.
Here is a brief explanation of each sectioning element...
If you can build a site with, you should build your site on
That’s what I like to tell people. I’ve seen too many websites die off, often damaging the company along the way because the technical debt of hosting and maintaining the website is too much in the long term. For a few examples, there is the domain name itself to handle and the tricky DNS settings...
Příručka marketéra: 5 tipů, jak na optimalizaci vstupních stránek
Podoba vstupních stránek, na které vedou kampaně, je jedním z nejvíce podceňovaných aspektů výkonového marketingu. Průměrný marketér nemá schopnosti vstupní stránku sám navrhnout a správně vyladit. Sice existuje mnoho nástrojů, které vám s optimalizací pomohou, ale bez potřebných znalostí není...
Neoficiální web prozrazuje, kdy na Netflixu začne další sezóna seriálů, které máte rádi
Collective #525
Every Layout * The State of CSS 2019 * CJSS * When should you be using Web Workers? * Spotlight
Collective #525 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Game of Thrones Quiz Game with React and GraphQL: Create the Questions Form
We’re going to make use of some new packages for creating questions. Open a terminal in your project folder and run the following command:
npm install react-mod
How to Stay Safe When Using Darknet Markets
If you’re planning to visit a darknet market, you’re either keen to window shop or keen to sample the wares. Whatever your reasons for stopping by, that’s your business and no one else’s. Unfortunately, not everyone shares those civilized ideals. To keep those spoilsports...
Weekly Platform News: CSS Scroll Snap, Opera GX, PWA Install Icon
In this week's roundup, Chrome is adding an install option for Progressive Web Apps, Opera GX comes to Windows, the ECMAScript proposals get an update, and CSS Scroll Snap is coming to a Firefox browser near you.
The post Weekly Platform News: CSS Scroll Snap, Opera GX, PWA Install Icon appeared...
An In-Depth Look at Iris, a New Decentralized Social Network
Cryptocurrency advocates have been discussing a new social media platform designed by one of Bitcoin’s earliest developers Martti Malmi, otherwise known as Sirius. The project he designed, called Iris, is a social networking application that stores and indexes everything on the user’s...
Bitcoin Does Not Progress As Payment Method in the Travel Industry, As It Has Failed As A Functional Payment Form!
Currently, Bitcoin’s usage as a method of commercial payment has been vastly declined during the year, while the cryptocurrency is seen to be going steady. Moreover, Bitcoin failing to be received as a functional payment form in the travel industry, crypto players are concentrating on...
[aktualita] Zpravodajský web Českého rozhlasu oznámil rekordní návštěvnost
Zpravodajský server Českého rozhlasu má za sebou nejlepší měsíc ve své historii. V květnu 2019 navštívilo podle statistik Netmonitoru 1 267 517 reálných uživatelů. Počtvrté tak překonal milionovou hranici. Květen byl pro server rekordní podle všech měřených parametrů: měl nejvíc...
[článek] Stát konečně řekl, jak bude informovat o konci DVB-T. Budou letáky a nový web
[4 minuty čtení] Na ministerstvu průmyslu a obchodu se daly věci do pohybu. Po výměně ministra a změnách v mediálním oddělení se rozjely přípravy informační kampaně v souvislosti s přechodem na DVB-T2. Dočkat bychom se jí měli ještě v průběhu prázdnin. Se zpožděním, ale přece. Ministerstvo průmyslu...
How to Use Bitcoin to Invest in Gold
Gold and bitcoin enjoy a curious relationship. On the one hand, there is a significant crossover between investors in both, particularly from libertarians who don’t trust the U.S. dollar. But on the other hand, initiatives such as #DropGold have sought to position bitcoin as a more portable...
Weekly Platform News: Feature Policy, ECMAScript i18n API, Packaged PWAs
In this week's news, a new Feature Policy API in Chrome, Firefox blocks cookies from known trackers, Chrome for Android now allows websites to share images, and more.
The post Weekly Platform News: Feature Policy, ECMAScript i18n API, Packaged PWAs appeared first on CSS-Tricks