Create a Static Site Using Angular & Scully
The team at HeroDevs has just released the alpha version of Scully, a static site generator for Angular. That's right, Angular didn't have an intuitive way to create JAMstack applications before, but now it's possible!
Scully uses a node CLI application to run Angular schematics so you don’t have...
The Origin Story of Container Queries
Container queries don’t exist today but a lot of web developers have been arguing in their favor lately. At first, the idea sounds relatively simple: whereas media queries allow us to make style changes based on the width of the browser, container queries would allow us to make style updates when...
A standard copy-and-paste YouTube embed lands on your page as an <iframe> which loads a big ol' pile of other stuff to play that video. But the UX of it is still essentially an image and a play button. Click the play button and the video plays. You can build essentially the same thing with...
Weekly Platform News: Contrast Ratio Range, replaceAll Method, Native File System API
In this week's roundup: Firefox's new contrast checker, a simpler way to lasso substrings in a string, and a new experimental API that will let apps fiddle with a user's local files.
Firefox shows the contrast ratio range for text on a multicolored background
According to Success Criterion 1.4.3...
Getting Started with GraphQL
GraphQL was developed by Facebook in 2012 to power up its mobile apps. Since open-sourcing GraphQL specification in 2015, it gained a lot of popularity and is now used by many development teams, including giants like GitHub, Twitter or Airbnb. Why so? And what exactly is a GraphQL? Let's take...
The Amazingly Useful Tools from Yoksel
I find myself web searching for some tool by Yoksel at least every month. I figured I'd list out some of my favorites here in case you aren't aware of them.
Need to duo-tone an image? SVG filters can do that. Lentie Ward wrote about it for us, and Yoksel has a tool to create the filters...
Diana Smith’s Pure CSS Artwork “Lace”
Diana is at it again with her absolutely unbelievable CSS paintings. This latest one is called Lace. Past paintings are Francine, Vignes, and Zigario.
She wrote for us last year if you'd like a little insight into her thinking.
Andy Baio looked at the painting in a variety of older...
Query JSON documents in the Terminal with GROQ
JSON documents are everywhere today, but they are rarely structured the way you want them to be. They often include too much data, have weirdly named fields, or place the data in unnecessary nested objects. Graph-Relational Object Queries (GROQ) is a query language (like SQL, but different) which...
Making a Chart? Try Using Mobx State Tree to Power the Data
Who loves charts? Everyone, right? There are lots of ways to create them, including a number of libraries. There’s D3.js, Chart.js, amCharts, Highcharts, and Chartist, to name only a few of many, many options.
But we don’t necessary need a chart library to create charts. Take Mobx-state-tree (MST)...
Telegram’s Grams Wallet Is Available on GitHub in Test Mode
Telegram’s Grams Wallet now available across three operating systems in test mode, and allows users to receive test tokens
New Web App Scans GitHub For Secrets Like Crypto Keys And Passwords
Shhgit web app will scan the GitHub code repository and search for sensitive secrets, such as private crypto keys and passwords
Pátý ročník ReactiveConf již tuto středu
Výroční pátý ročník ReactiveConf v Praze představí nad 60 řečníků z významných mezinárodních firem, jakými jsou Facebook, Google, Netflix, Github, Airbnb. Třídenní konference, která je díky svému zaměření tou největší na světě, promění…
Animated Position of Focus Ring
Maurice Mahan created FocusOverlay, a "library for creating overlays on focused elements." That description is a little confusing at you don't need a library to create focus styles. What the library actually does is animate the focus rings as focus moves from one element to another. It's based...
What I Like About Writing Styles with Svelte
There’s been a lot of well-deserved hype around Svelte recently, with the project accumulating over 24,000 GitHub stars. Arguably the simplest JavaScript framework out there, Svelte was written by Rich Harris, the developer behind Rollup. There’s a lot to like about Svelte (performance, built-in...
Recipes for Performance Testing Single Page Applications in WebPageTest
WebPageTest is an online tool and an Open Source project to help developers audit the performance of their websites. As a Web Performance Evangelist at Theodo, I use it every single day. I am constantly amazed at what it offers to the web development community at large and the web performance folks...
Using GitHub Template Repos to Jump-Start Static Site Projects
If you’re getting started with static site generators, did you know you can use GitHub template repositories to quickly start new projects and reduce your setup time?
Most static site generators make installation easy, but each project still requires configuration after installation. When...
Collective #553
Text Rendering Hates You * Working with GitHub Actions * Design Tips * Frankenstein Migration
Collective #553 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Git Hooks
The merits of Git as a version control system are difficult to contest, but while Git will do a superb job in keeping track of the commits you and your teammates have made to a repository, it will not, in itself, guarantee the quality of those commits. Git will not stop you from committing code...
Variable Fonts Link Dump!
There's been a ton of great stuff flying around about variable fonts lately (our tag has loads of stuff as well). I thought I'd round up all the new stuff I hadn't seen before.
Google fonts has a beta of hosted variable fonts and the announcement demo is on CodePen.
Speaking of Google Fonts...
Buddy on CSS-Tricks
Here's a little direct product endorsement for ya: I literally use Buddy for deployment on all my projects.
Buddy isn't just a deployment tool, we'll get to that, but it's something that Buddy does very well and definitely a reason you might look at picking it up yourself if you're looking around...