Using GitHub Template Repos to Jump-Start Static Site Projects
If you’re getting started with static site generators, did you know you can use GitHub template repositories to quickly start new projects and reduce your setup time?
Most static site generators make installation easy, but each project still requires configuration after installation. When...
Collective #553
Text Rendering Hates You * Working with GitHub Actions * Design Tips * Frankenstein Migration
Collective #553 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Git Hooks
The merits of Git as a version control system are difficult to contest, but while Git will do a superb job in keeping track of the commits you and your teammates have made to a repository, it will not, in itself, guarantee the quality of those commits. Git will not stop you from committing code...
Variable Fonts Link Dump!
There's been a ton of great stuff flying around about variable fonts lately (our tag has loads of stuff as well). I thought I'd round up all the new stuff I hadn't seen before.
Google fonts has a beta of hosted variable fonts and the announcement demo is on CodePen.
Speaking of Google Fonts...
Buddy on CSS-Tricks
Here's a little direct product endorsement for ya: I literally use Buddy for deployment on all my projects.
Buddy isn't just a deployment tool, we'll get to that, but it's something that Buddy does very well and definitely a reason you might look at picking it up yourself if you're looking around...
Automatically compress images on Pull Requests
Sarah introduced us to GitHub Actions right after it dropped about a year ago. Now they have improved the feature and are touting its CI/CD abilities. Run tests, do deployment, do whatever stuff computers do! It's essentially a YAML file that says run this, then this, then this, etc., with...
Coinbase-Backed ConsenSys Alum Aims to Build GitHub for Web3
Harrison Hines, a former ConsenSys token guru, is building a developer hub for the decentralized web via his startup Terminal
Fast Static Sites with Netlify and AnyMod
In about 10 minutes, we'll set up a workflow that makes static sites dead simple.
You'll get the following:
Free https
Free or cheap hosting
Build sites quickly
Edit with live reload
Edit when you’ve forgotten everything in 6 months
Start: signups
We can get all this by using Netlify (really...
How to Contribute to an Open Source Project
The following is going to get slightly opinionated and aims to guide someone on their journey into open source. As a prerequisite, you should have basic familiarity with the command line and Git. If you know the concepts and want to dive right into the step by step how-to guide, check out this part...
Using a PostCSS function to automate your responsive workflow
A little while back, you might have bumped into this CSS-Tricks article where I described how a mixin can be used to automate responsive font sizes using RFS. In its latest version, v9, RFS is capable of rescaling any value for value for any CSS property with px or rem units, like margin, padding...
Navbar Nudging on @keyframers
I got to be the featured guest over on The Keyframers the other day. We looked at a Dribbble shot by Björgvin Pétur Sigurjónsson and then slowly built it, taking some purposeful detours along the way to discuss various tech.
We start by considering doing it entirely in CSS, then go for some light...
Other Ways to SPAs
That rhymed lolz.
I mentioned on a podcast the other day that I sorta think WordPress should ship with Turbolinks. It's a rather simple premise:
Build a server-rendered site.
Turbolinks intercepts clicks on same-origin links.
It uses AJAX for the HTML of the new page and replaces the current page...
Getting Netlify Large Media Going
I just did this the other day so I figured I'd blog it up. There is a thing called Git Large File Storage (Git LFS). Here's the entire point of it: it keeps large files out of your repo directly. Say you have 500MB of images on your site and they kinda need to be in the repo so you can work with...
Mercurial Tips
While most of the world seems to be using git for version control, Mozilla continues to use Mercurial (hg) to manage the Firefox source code. As a git and GitHub lover, it took me a while to get used to Mercurial. I don’t consider myself a hg expert but I know enough to complete...
Draggin’ and Droppin’ in React
The React ecosystem offers us a lot of libraries that all are focused on the interaction of drag and drop. We have react-dnd, react-beautiful-dnd, react-drag-n-drop and many more, but some of them require quite a lot of work to build even a simple drag and drop demo, and some do not provide...
All the New ES2019 Tips and Tricks
The ECMAScript standard has been updated yet again with the addition of new features in ES2019. Now officially available in node, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari you can also use Babel to compile these features to a different version of JavaScript if you need to support an older browser.
Let’s look...
Site Monetization with Coil (and Removing Ads for Supporters)
I've tried a handful of websites based on "tip with micropayments" in the past. They come and go. That's fine. From a publisher perspective, it's low-commitment. I've never earned a ton, but it was typically enough to be worth it.
Now Bruce has me trying Coil. It's compelling to me for a couple...
Quick Gulp Cache Busting
You should for sure be setting far-out cache headers on your assets like CSS and JavaScript (and images and fonts and whatever else). That tells the browser "hang on to this file basically forever." That way, when navigating from page to page on a site — or revisiting it, or refreshing...
How Bans From GitHub and Slack Are Hurting Iranian Bitcoin Businesses
Iranian bitcoiners are showing the world what censorship resistance really looks like
Collective #537
The Real Dark Web * A Message to GitHub * Truths about digital accessibility * What I Like About Vue
Collective #537 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops