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Centering: The Newest Coolest Way vs. The Oldest Coolest Way

This isn't a comprehensive guide to centering things. We have that! This is just a little observation about old and new. One of the trickier things related to centering in CSS is when you need to center both vertically and horizontally and you don't know the width or height of what you...

Don’t just copy the @font-face out of Google Fonts URLs

I don't think this is an epidemic or anything, but I've seen it done a few times and even advocated for. This is what I mean... You go to Google Fonts and pick a font like Open Sans, and it gives you either a <link> or an @import with a URL there in which to ready this font for usage...

The Four Big Ways Jetpack Helps with Image Performance

We've been working with Jetpack around here as a sponsor. It's a great match because as someone with a bunch of self-hosted WordPress sites, Jetpack is one of those no-brainer plugins for me. Jetpack can do a ton of good things for any site in a variety of very different ways. Here's one way...

Building a RSS Viewer With Vue: Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of this mini-series on building a RSS viewer with Vue. In the last post, I walked through how I built my demo using Vue.js and Vuetify on the front end and Webtask on the back end. When I built that initial version, I knew it was exactly thatmdash;an "initial" version. I took some...

Here’s the thing about “unused CSS” tools

There are a lot of tools that aim to help you remove "unused CSS" from your project. Never a week goes by that I don't see a tool for this being shared or promoted. It must strike some kind of perfect chord for some developers. I care about performance, and I know that reducing file sizes is good...

Building a RSS Viewer With Vue: Part 1

As I explore, learn, and most importantly, play with Vue.js, I've been building different types of apps as a way to get practice with and improve my use of it. A few weeks ago, I was reading about the shut down of Digg's RSS Reader and while great alternatives exist, I thought it would be fun...

Creating your own meme generator

Almost every time a new meme pops up in my Twitter feed, I think of a witty version to create. I'm not alone in this. Memes are often a way to acknowledge a shared experience or idea. In a variation of the "Is this a pigeon" meme that has been making the rounds online, a designer Daryl Ginn joked...

More Unicode Patterns

Creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know. —Anni Albers, On Designing I recently wrote a post — that was shared here on CSS-Tricks — where I looked at ways to use Unicode characters to create interesting (and random) patterns. Since then, I’ve continued to seek...

​Truly understand your site visitors’ behavior

(This is a sponsored post.) Hotjar is a quick and easy way to truly understand your visitors and identify opportunities for improvement and growth. Try the all-in-one analytics and feedback tool for free. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… The post ​Truly understand your site visitors’...

Understanding the Almighty Reducer

I was reently mentoring someone who had trouble with the .reduce() method in JavaScript. Namely, how you get from this: const nums = [1, 2, 3] let value = 0 for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { value += nums[i] } this: const nums = [1, 2, 3] const value = nums.reduce((ac, next)...

Your Brain on Front-End Development

Part of the job of being a front-end developer is applying different techniques and technologies to pull of the desired UI and UX. Perhaps you work with a design team and implement their designs. I know when I look at a design (heck, even if I know I'm not going to be building it), my front-end...

A Quick Roundup of Recent React Chatter

Like many, many others, I'm in the pool of leveling up my JavaScript skills and learning how to put React to use. That's why Brad Frost resonated with me when he posted My Struggle to Learn React." As Brad does, he clearly outlines his struggles point-by-point: I have invested enough time...

Creating a Bar Graph with CSS Grid

If you’re looking for more manageable ways to create bar graphs, or in search of use cases to practice CSS Grid layout, I got you! Before we begin working on the graph, I want to talk about coding the bars, when Grid is a good approach for graphs, and we’ll also cover some code choices you might...

​​Build live comments with sentiment analysis using Nest.js

(This is a sponsored post.) Interestingly, one of the most important areas of a blog post is the comment section. This plays an important role in the success of a post or an article, as it allows proper interaction and participation from readers. This makes it inevitable for every platform with...

Versioning Interview

Adam Roberts (who you might recognize from our interview with him), interviewed me for the Versioning newsletter. I'm publishing my answers here for y'alls perusal as well! Which dev/tech idea or trend excites you the most at the moment, and why? I love that new JavaScript has arrived. I don’t...

Digging Into React Context

You may have wondered lately what all the buzz is about Context and what it might mean for you and your React sites. Before Context, when the management of state gets complicated beyond the functionality of setState, you likely had to make use of a third party library. Thanks to recent updates...

Creating a VS Code Theme

Everyone has special and perhaps, particular, tastes when it comes to their code editor. There are literally thousands of themes out there, and for good reason: a thing of beauty and enhancement to productivity for one can be a hindrance to another. It’s been an item on my bucket list to create...

World wide wrist

After all the hubbub with WWDC over the past couple of days, Ethan Marcotte is excited about the news that the Apple Watch will be able to view web content. He writes: If I had to guess, I’d imagine some sort of “reader mode” is coming to the Watch: in other words, when you open a link on your...

Manipulating Pixels Using Canvas

Modern browsers support playing video via the <video> element. Most browsers also have access to webcams via the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() API. But even with those two things combined, we can’t really access and manipulate those pixels directly. Fortunately, browsers have a Canvas...

​Headless CMS: Fresh Air for Developers

(This is a sponsored post.) Your current CMS sucks! You know that for some time already but have not decided yet what your next solution should be. You've noticed all the buzz around headless CMS but you're still not sure what is in it for you and how it can solve all your woes. What is...

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