
Nalezeno "cool": 324

Roger Ver Shares His Story in New Video Series

As someone who was there from virtually the start, Roger Ver has seen and done it all in Bitcoin. A tireless evangelist for Bitcoin since long before it was cool, Ver remains a vocal proponent of the benefits of peer-to-peer cash and its power to effect positive change in the world. Every day this...

Working with Attributes on DOM Elements

The DOM is just a little weird about some things, and the way you deal with attributes is no exception. There are a number of ways to deal with the attributes on elements. By attributes, I mean things like the id in <div id="cool"></div>. Sometimes you need to set them. Sometimes...

The Best (GraphQL) API is One You Write

Listen, I am no GraphQL expert but I do enjoy working with it. The way it exposes data to me as a front-end developer is pretty cool. It's like a menu of available data and I can ask for whatever I want. That's a massive improvement over REST and highly empowering for me as a front-end developer...

A Glassy (and Classy) Text Effect

The landing page for Apple Arcade has a cool effect where some "white" text has a sort of translucent effect. You can see some of the color of the background behind it through the text. It's not like knockout text where you see the exact background. In this case, live video is playing underneath....

Why Are S Korean Crypto Projects Going Cool on Domestic Exchanges?

South Korean cryptocurrency projects are abandoning domestic exchanges in favor of overseas platforms, per a new report. Fn News states that some of the country's newest crypto projects are looking to list in “hotter” markets, such as Singapore and the United States. The bear market of 2018 took...

Staggered CSS Transitions

Let's say you wanted to move an element on :hover for a fun visual effect. @media (hover: hover) { .list--item { transition: 0.1s; transform: translateY(10px); } .list--item:hover, .list--item:focus { transform: translateY(0); } } Cool cool. But what if you had several list...

Get the Best Domain Name for your New Website

(This is a sponsored post.) If you're on CSS-Tricks, we can probably bet that you're in the process of building a really cool website. You've spent your time creating content, applying appropriate UX design techniques, coding it to perfection, and now you're about ready to launch it to the world. A...

A More Accessible Portals Demo

The point of the <portal> element (behind a flag in Chrome Canary) is that you can preload another whole page (like <iframe>), but then have APIs to animate it to the current page. So "Single Page App"-like functionality (SPA), but natively. I think that's pretty cool. I'm a fan...


David DeSandro has loads of super cool JavaScript libraries he's created over the years. His latest is Zdog, a "round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG." It's only been about a month since he dropped it (although, like any good library, it's been simmering) and it...

Managing Multiple Backgrounds with Custom Properties

One cool thing about CSS custom properties is that they can be a part of a value. Let's say you're using multiple backgrounds to pull off a a design. Each background will have its own color, image, repeat, position, etc. It can be verbose! You have four images: body { background-position: ...

Introducing Netlify Analytics

You work a while on a side project. You think it's pretty cool! You decide to release it into the world. And then… it goes well. Or it doesn’t go well. Wait, is that right? You forgot to add analytics — it just didn’t cross your mind at the time. Now you’re pretty curious how many people have...

Haunted: Hooks for Web Components

I was just chatting with Dave and he told me about Haunted. It's hooks, but for native web components! Pretty cool. I think the existence of stuff like this makes using web components more and more palatable — particularly in that totally-native no-build-step-needed-at-all kinda way. I...

How to Debug Remote Browsers

It’s super frustrating when bugs pop up only in a remote browser. Something about that user, that device, or that environment is different, but I don’t know what! And of course, I can’t recreate it on my local development machine. The team at TrackJS came up with a cool way...

Now Holiday In NASA Space Station For A Cool $50 Million

For as long as NASA has existed, it has been a source of the fascination of millions of people from all over the world. Over the years, many individuals have expressed a desire to be in the shoes of the astronauts for even a day and spend a day at NASA’s iconic International Space Station....

Crypto Trading On WhatsApp – Sounds Cool, But Is It?

Crypto trading on WhatsApp and other instant messengers are fast gaining traction in the market. This is because the laymen find it easier to chat with a bot, rather than engaging in complex sessions on online crypto platforms. However, though WhatsApp trading brings simplicity, it also raises...

A responsive grid layout with no media queries

Andy Bell made a really cool demo that shows us how to create a responsive grid layout without any media queries at all. It happens to look like this when you change the size of the browser window: I think this is a wonderful layout technique that’s just 6 lines (!) of CSS. .auto-grid...

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