
Nalezeno "github": 369

Super Simple GraphQL with Node

GraphQL is a specification and therefore language agnostic. When it comes GraphQL development with node, there are various options available ranging from

[aktualita] GitHub začal vývojářům nabízet soukromé repozitáře zdarma

Vývojářský server GitHub oznámil novinku: jeho uživatelé nově mohou zakládat a provozovate neomezený počet soukromých repozitářů se svými projekty, aniž by si museli pořídit jeden z placených balíčků. GitHub změnu oznámil na svém blogu. Na projektech v soukromých repozitářích zdarma bude vývojář...

GitHub Private Repos are Now Free and Unlimited

This is some awesome news! GitHub has always had private repositories part of their paid subscription. I believe it was capped at a few free private repos and then you had to upgrade after three or


We're in the future now so, of course, we're working on ways to speed up the web with fancy new tactics above and beyond the typical make-pages-slimmer-and-cached-like-crazy techniques. One tactic, from years ago, was InstantClick: Before visitors click on a link, they hover over that link. Between...

Styling a Select Like It’s 2019

It's rather heartwarming to know you can style a <select> in a rather cross-browser friendly way that doesn't hurt accessibility. Kudos for documenting this Scott! See the Pen Styled <select&rt; by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen. Direct Link to Article —...

Animating Between Views in React

You know how some sites and web apps have that neat native feel when transitioning between two pages or views? Sarah Drasner has shown some good examples and even a Vue library to boot. These animations are the type of features that can turn a good user experience into a great one. But to achieve...

Ease-y Breezy: A Primer on Easing Functions

During the past few months, I’ve been actively teaching myself how to draw and animate SVG shapes. I’ve been using CSS transitions, as well as tools like D3.js, react-motion and GSAP, to create my animations. One thing about animations in general and the documentation these and other animation...

JavaScript to Native (and Back!)

I admit I'm quite intrigued by frameworks that allow you write apps in web frameworks because they do magic to make them into native apps for you. There are loads of players here. You've got NativeScript, Cordova, PhoneGap, Tabris, React Native, and Flutter. For deskop apps, we've got Electron....

Google Labs Web Components

I think it's kinda cool to see Google dropping repos of interesting web components. It demonstrates the possibilities of cool new web features and allows them to ship them in a way that's compatible with entirely web standards. Here's one: <two-up> I wanted to give it a try, so I linked...

Mercurial: Mass Add and Remove All Files

While I much prefer git and the GitHub workflow, Firefox’s codebase (mozilla-central) is store in a mercurial repository.  There are tools that wrap mercurial so you can use a git-like interface, like git-cinnabar, but my philosophy is to learn the root tool so that I know what’s going...

Adding Particle Effects to DOM Elements with Canvas

Let’s take a look at how to make web pages more visually capable by combining the freedom of <canvas> with HTML elements. Specifically, we will be creating a basic HTML-to-particle effect, but the same technique could be used for many kinds of effects. Before we begin, feel free to grab...

Create your own Serverless API

If you don’t already know of it, Todd Motto has this great list of public APIs. It’s awesome if you’re trying out a new framework or new layout pattern and want to hit the ground running without fussing with the content. But what if you want or need to make your own API? Serverless can help create...

Design Systems at GitHub

Here’s a nifty post by Diana Mounter all about the design systems team at GitHub that details how the team was formed, the problems they've faced and how they've adapted along the way: When I started working at GitHub in late 2015, I noticed that there were many undocumented patterns, I had...

Building a Complex UI Animation in React, Simply

Let’s use React, styled-components, and react-flip-toolkit to make our own version of the animated navigation menu on the Stripe homepage. It's an impressive menu with some slick animation effects and the combination of these three tools can make it relatively easy to recreate. This is...

Search Git Commits Between Dates

One of my weaknesses as a developer is relying on UIs to provide me the data I need.  It’s not a fatal weakness but it does hamper me a bit.  One prime example is relying on GitHub’s interface to review changes; git’s command line provides the information needed with commands...

How to Start a Jekyll Blog on GitHub Pages for Free

Static website generators are increasingly popular these days. They make it possible to run a website without maintaining a database and a server. You also don’t have to worry... The post How to Start a Jekyll Blog on GitHub Pages for Free appeared first on Onextrapixel

Collective #431

Browsh * CSS Nesting Request * Itty.bitty * UnusedCSS * Design Systems at GitHub * The CSS Paint API * Podmap Collective #431 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

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