
Nalezeno "Node.js": 40

How to Not Minify Source with webpack

The webpack JavaScript utility has taken over the modern JavaScript landscape, so much so that it’s hard to be a JavaScript developer and not use it. JavaScript build utilities are the point where they do best practices implicitly, like minify code, caching, and more. I was recently debugging...

Stop Installing Packages Globally

These days, most front-end projects are going to involve NPM packages of some kind. Occasionally, when browsing documentation for these packages, I’ll see a recommendation to install a package like this. yarn global add <package> Or like this. npm install --global <package> In both...

Meet the Developer Who Added Schnorr Signatures to Bcash

This week spoke with Jonathan Gonzalez, the blockchain developer who is currently maintaining the Bcash project, a Bitcoin Cash full node written in node.js. Gonzalez explained how he got into Bitcoin Cash development and how he managed to get the Bcash node fully compatible with...

How to Detect Text in Images

Images are a great way to communicate without text but oftentimes images are used/abused to spread text within social media and advertisements. Text in images also presents an accessibility issue. The truth is that it’s important, for any number of reasons, to be able to detect text in image...

Používáme knihovnu Readability na serveru

Možná znáte Readability z reader-view v prohlížeči. Odstraní ze stránky přebytečný balast a zůstane jen dobře čitelný text. Stejný projekt lze s úspěchem použít i na serveru. Pojďme si ukázat, proč i servery potřebují dobře čitelné texty

Web<element> – první vydání fullstack konference

Jak to vlastně je s těmi full-stack vývojáři? Existují? Nebo jsou to jen urban legends? Ale víte co? Je to jedno. Ale co taková konfrence, která bude mít široký přesah? Tak na to odpověd máme v podobě prvního webelementu

How to use console in node.js

Introduction In this article, we'll learn how to use most methods available in the nodeJS console class more effectively. To demonstrate, I'll use Chrome browser version 70

Getting Started with Nest.js

If you have ever worked on a Node.js application before, either built a REST API or an enterprise application, you must have realised how tedious and daunting it was to maintain, especially wheneve

Souhrn 48. týdne

Facebook BOLT. Atom 1.33. TypeScript 3.2. Amazon Personalize. Neo4j 3.5. Node.js Compiler Collection. ???? HTTP/3 Explained

Convert HTML to Markdown

One of my biggest mistakes with this blog was not finding a WordPress plugin that would allow me to write my posts with markdown; to this day I still need to write posts in &#8220;Visual&#8221; mode and then manually convert the post to HTML for &#8220;Text&#8221; mode.  One of these days I want...

Collective #422

G6 * Priority Nav Scroller * CORS * * 10 Things I Regret About Node.js * Supercraft * The History of Connection Collective #422 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Node.js Cron Jobs By Examples

Ever wanted to do specific things on your application server at certain times without having to physically run them yourself. You want to spend more of your time worrying about productive tasks ins

What's New in Node 10 "Dubnium"

Node.js 10.0.0 is the seventh major Node.js release since the launch of the Node.js Foundation. In October of 2018, it will become the next Active Long Term Support branch

Destructuring and Function Arguments

The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values.  Even if your browser doesn&#8217;t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...

Testovací trio Mocha, Chai a Sinon

Představíme vám testovací framework Mocha, knihovny Chai a Sinon. Ukážeme, k čemu slouží, a na co si dát pozor při jejich používání. Dále vysvětlíme, jak se pracuje s knihovnou Sinon, která slouží pro mockování/stubování a vytváření špiónů

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