
Nalezeno "Model": 801

Hedgeye: This Model Predicts Bitcoin at $1,000,000

Analysts at Hedgeye Risk Management, an investment research and financial media company based in Stamford, Connecticut, have analyzed the Bitcoin stock-to-flow argument. This framework suggests Bitcoin’s price potentially reaching $1 million by the latter half of 2020s, and as much as...

Using the `outline` Property as a Collapsable Border

The outline property in CSS draws a line around the outside of an element. This is quite similar to the border property, the main exception being that outline isn’t a part of the box model. It is often used for … The post Using the `outline` Property as a Collapsable Border appeared first...

Kolik váží vesmír: Bude nutné přehodnotit standardní kosmologický model?

Nesmírně rozlehlý kosmos nás zcela obklopuje. Navzdory usilovnému bádání o něm však spoustu základních věcí stále nevíme, nebo jsou naše poznatky navzájem v rozporu. Například není jasné, jaký je jeho tvar. Netušíme, jestli má někde hranice. A také přesně nevíme, jak je hustý nebo kolik váží…

Apparently Tesla Cars Have Enough Graphical Horsepower To Play Cyberpunk 2077

You shouldn’t take a call while driving, you shouldn’t text while driving, and you certainly shouldn’t game while driving. And yet, that’s exactly what you might be able to do with the Tesla Models X and S. As spotted by The Gamer, bazillionaire Tesla CEO and failed Deus Ex cosplayer Elon Musk...

Lady Dimitrescu's Actor & Model Cosplaying As Lady Dimitrescu

Look I know we’ve already seen some incredible Lady Dimitrescu cosplay, but I figured it was worth seeing some more today given the fact the ladies in the dress here are the actors Capcom used to bring the character to life.Read more

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