
Nalezeno "who did": 545

Binance Hack: What Did CZ Do After the “F***, F***, F***” State?

Source: Instagram, Binance When Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao first realized that the exchange had been hacked, and plenty of funds stolen on May 7, his first thought was “F***!”. His second thought was quite different: “F***!!”, while the third one, and you’ll never guess it, was: “F***!!!”. A...

The Place of UX

Every time "UX" comes out of my mouth or is typed by my fingers, I think, "did I just use that term correctly?" It feels like such a big and loaded term these days, that perhaps the way I use it only contributes to the confusion. Ryan Singer frames that problem well: Debates continue to rage about...

Free Programming Courses from Harvard, MIT, Microsoft and more (Sponsored)

Did you know that you can learn programming online from institutions like Harvard, MIT and Microsoft on The nonprofit site offers 2000 online courses from 140 institutions worldwide. Courses are free to try. EdX has over 200 courses from Microsoft alone, including an 11 course program...

Little Things That Tickled My Brain from An Event Apart Seattle

I had so much fun at An Event Apart Seattle! There is something nice about sitting back and basking in the messages from a variety of such super smart people. I didn't take comprehensive notes of each talk, but I did jot down little moments that flickered my brain. I'll post them here! Blogging...

Did you know that CSS Custom Properties can handle images too?

So you might be aware of CSS Custom Properties that let you set a variable, such as a theme color, and then apply it to multiple classes like this: :root { --theme: #777; } .alert { background: var(—-theme); } .button { background: var(—-theme); } Well, I had seen this pattern so often...

Chris Coyier’s Favorite CodePen Demos IV

Did you know you can triple-heart things on CodePen? We’ve had that little not-so-hidden feature forever. You can click that little heart button on any Pen (or Project, Collection, or Post) on CodePen to show the creator a little love, but you can click it again and again to heart it just that...

2019 CSS Wishlist

What do you wish CSS could do natively that it can't do now? First, let's review the last time we did this in 2013. ❌ "I'd like to be able to select an element based on if it contains another particular selector" ❌ "I'd like to be able to select an element based on the content...

Goals for 2019

Every turn of the year is a new opportunity to start over, set goals, and renew optimism that time can heal wounds and drive us to change and achieve. I did really well with my 2018 goals: I started a fun podcast with TrackJS’ Todd Gardener I found my passion again by joining Mozilla’s...

Creating an Animated Login Form for TouchID

I came across this amazing Dribbble shot by Jakub Reis a while back. It caught my eye and I knew that I just had to try recreating it in code. At that moment, I didn’t know how. I tried out a bunch of different things, and about a year later, I finally managed to make this demo. I learned a couple...

The Software We Pay For

We did a Web Developer Economics series a few years ago, where we looked at the various costs of being a web developer: Web Developer Economics: One-Off Software Costs Web Developer Economics: Hardware Costs Web Developer Economics: Monthly Service Costs Web Developer Economics: The Wrapup I'm...

Sayonara Edge

Sounds like Edge is going to spin down EdgeHTML, the engine that powers edge, and go with Chromium. It's not entirely clear as I write whether the browser will still be called Edge or not. Opera did this same thing in 2013. We'll surely be seeing much more information about this directly from...

Too Much Accessibility

I like to blog little veins of thought as I see them. We recently linked to an article by Facundo Corradini calling out a tweet of ours where we used an <em> where we probably should have used an <i>. Bruce Lawson checks if screen readers are the victims of these semantic...

Solved with CSS! Logical Styling Based on the Number of Given Elements

This post is the third in a series about the power of CSS. Article Series: Colorizing SVG Backgrounds Dropdown Menus Logical Styling Based On the Number of Given Elements (this post) Did you know that CSS is Turing complete? Did you know that you can use it to do some pretty serious logical...

Did you know that style and script tags can be set to display: block?

The other night, Amit Patel mentioned that you can set script tags in HTML to display: block with CSS and then edit that code inline with the contentEditable attribute. This means that you can then see it all update live in the browser as you type. Shortly after, Marius Gundersen replied that...

Collective #433

Guppy * CSS: A New Kind Of JavaScript * Font Playground * ramd.js * Track * did.txt file * Seedbank * V8N * Stitches Collective #433 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Remote Conferences; Bridging the Gap, Clearing the Odds

A few weeks back, I saw one of my esteemed mentors decry the psychological traumas he had experienced, following series and series of refusals at certain embassies. “A child concentrating hard at school” by Les Anderson on Unsplash You would think he went for a contract he did not have the capacity...

Scrolling Gradient

If you want a gradient that changes as you scroll down a very long page, you can create a gradient with a bunch of color stops, apply it to the body and it will do just that. But, what if you don't want a perfectly vertical gradient? Like you want just the top left corner to change color? Mike...

Anatomy of a malicious script: how a website can take over your browser

By now, we all know that the major tech behemoths like Facebook or Google know everything about our lives, including how often we go to the bathroom (hence all the prostate medication ads that keep popping up, even on reputable news sites). After all, we’ve given them permission to do so,...

Easy Document Signing with the Eversign Chrome Extension

A while back I wrote about Eversign, an awesome service that allows you and your clients or partners to digitally sign documents online.  If you’ve recently bought a house or did any other large purchases or agreements, you know how important the ability to reliably sign documents online is. ...

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