
Nalezeno "command line": 48

Netlify Makes Deployments a Cinch

(This is a sponsored post.) Let's say you were going to design the easiest way to deploy a static site you can possibly imagine. If I was tasked with that, I'd say, well, it would deploy whenever I push to my master branch, and I'd tell it what command to run to build my site. Or maybe it has...

How to Send an iMessage From Command Line

As somewhat of a recluse, believe me when I say that text messages, instant messenger, and iMessage have relieved me of loads of anxiety and wasted time with short, meaningless voice chat. It’s been a decade since these communication types have become popular so we’ve moved on from...

Turn Bluetooth On and Off from Command Line on macOS

Bluetooth has been a revelation in wireless technology: wireless mice, headphones, streaming devices, and a variety of home and office environments.  It goes without saying that wireless peripherals are so much easier to manage than wired counterparts, especially mice, that I usually have...

Change Mac Brightness from Command Line

Earlier this week I posted about how you can modify your Mac’s volume from command line.  Little command line scripts make me smile because I spend so much of my day in command line, and automation can be the key to productivity.  I next thought about modifying brightness from command line...

Find and Change Default App for File Type from Command Line

There are few things more frustrating to any computer user than files opening in an unwanted application.  Sure you can use the Open menu item in the desired application but we all just want to double-click a file and see it open in the application we expect.  I recently got to thinking about this...

Change System Volume from Command Line on Mac OS

Oftentimes the awesome GUI applications we love are simply gloss over a command line functionality.  While I do love a visual app, it’s always good to know how to do things from command line, if only for the sake of automation.  I’ve covered loads of command line secrets, most notably...

Search Git Commits Between Dates

One of my weaknesses as a developer is relying on UIs to provide me the data I need.  It’s not a fatal weakness but it does hamper me a bit.  One prime example is relying on GitHub’s interface to review changes; git’s command line provides the information needed with commands...

VuePress Static Site Generator

VuePress is a new tool from Vue creator Evan You that spins up Vue projects that are more on the side of websites based on content and markup than progressive web applications and does it with a few strokes of the command line. We talk a lot about Vue around here, from a five-part series on getting...

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