
Nalezeno "websites.": 56

Smarter Design Systems Tools

What has me really excited about building websites is largely around design systems and the design tools we use to build them. Though, design systems are certainly not limited to websites. Closing the Gap In the ever-so-hot-right-now world of design systems, one of the most common phrases people...

Thoughts After Looking at the Web Almanac’s Chapter on CSS

Woah, I didn't see this coming! The HTTP Archive dropped this big "state of the web" report called Web Almanac with guest writers exploring data from 5.8 million websites. Una Kravetz and Adam Argyle wrote the CSS chapter. The point is to squeeze a digestible amount of insight out of a mountain's...

Why Are Accessible Websites so Hard to Build?

I was chatting with some front-end folks the other day about why so many companies struggle at making accessible websites. Why are accessible websites so hard to build? We learn about HTML, we make sure things are semantic and — voila! @— we have an accessible website. During the course...

How to Use JPEG 2000 (JP2) for a Faster Images on iPhone (Sponsored)

Images Slow Down Websites Images slow down the page-loading performance of many websites. Audit tools like Google’s Lighthouse can quickly tell you how many seconds you can save by optimizing your images. When you are delivering to desktops or android devices running Chrome browser, a quick...

Scrape the Web with scrapestack (Sponsored)

I first grew to love Firefox not as a web developer but as user, and what drew me to this amazing new browser was its add-on ecosystem. The add-on I used the most? Web scrapers. Piracy had just hit mainstream and I also need imagery and documentation to create my first websites. Scrapers were...

Recipes for Performance Testing Single Page Applications in WebPageTest

WebPageTest is an online tool and an Open Source project to help developers audit the performance of their websites. As a Web Performance Evangelist at Theodo, I use it every single day. I am constantly amazed at what it offers to the web development community at large and the web performance folks...

Automated (and Guided!) Accessibility Audits with axe Pro

It's important to know there are tools for automated accessibility testing of websites. They are a vital part in helping make sure your website is usable for everyone, which is both a noble goal and damn good for business. Automated tests won't catch every potential accessibility issue, but they...

Cryptocurrency Domains Have Become Hot Property

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology have become mainstream terms and are now featured in most dictionaries. Crypto-related terms have a lot of value when they are tethered to a web domain, and these days digital currency domains are prime real estate, with some selling for up...

Build a beautiful landing page with Tailwind CSS

Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) is used for creating aesthetically good looking websites. CSS are styling rules that are applied to a web page to make it look beautiful. Whenever a web page is being dis

Build a Beautiful Landing Page with Tailwind CSS v1

Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) is used for creating aesthetically good looking websites. CSS are styling rules that are applied to a web page to make it look beautiful. Whenever a web page is being dis

What Are Design Tokens?

I’ve been hearing a lot about design tokens lately, and although I’ve never had to work on a project that’s needed them, I think they’re super interesting and worth jotting down a few notes about. As I understand it, the general idea is this: design tokens are an agnostic way to store variables...

Application Holotypes

It's entirely too common to make broad-sweeping statements about all websites. Jason Miller: We often make generalizations about applications we see in the wild, both anecdotal and statistical: "Single-Page Applications are slower than multipage" or "apps with low TTI loaded fast". However,...

Developer Roadmaps

The path to becoming a front-end developer, as looked back upon by anyone who self-identifies that way, is likely a very windy one full of thorn bushes and band websites. Still, documenting a path, even if it's straighter and far cleaner than reality, is an interesting exercise and might just...

Solved With CSS! Dropdown Menus

A common UI pattern that we see on the web are dropdown menus. They’re used to display related information in pieces, without overwhelming the user with buttons, text, and options. Somewhere that we see these a lot is inside of headers or navigation areas on websites. Let’s see if we can make...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace