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Refactoring Tunnels

We’ve been writing a lot about refactoring CSS lately, from how to take a slow and methodical approach to getting some quick wins. As a result, I’ve been reading a ton about this topic and somehow stumbled upon this post by Harry Roberts about refactoring and how to mitigate the potential risks...

Learning to Learn

There’s been a lot of talk recently about whether or not you need a degree to be in tech (spoiler: you don’t). But please don’t take this to mean you don’t need any kind of education to be in tech, because by not getting a degree, you’re opting to replace the imposed learning structure of...

Do CSS Custom Properties Beat Sass Loops?

I reckon that a lot of our uses of Sass maps can be replaced with CSS Custom properties – but hear me out for a sec. When designing components we often need to use the same structure of a component but change its background or text color based on a theme. For example, in an alert, we might need...

Six tips for better web typography

How do we avoid the most common mistakes when it comes to setting type on the web? That’s the question that’s been stuck in my head lately as I’ve noticed a lot of typography that’s lackluster, frustrating, and difficult to read. So, how can we improve interfaces so that our content is easy to read...

What We Want from Grid

We felt spoiled with CSS grid for a minute there. It arrived hot and fast in all the major browsers all at once. Now that we're seeing a lot more usage, we're seeing people want more from grid. Michelle Barker lists hers wants (and I'll put my commentary after): Styling row and column gaps. I've...

Getting Started with Gridsome

The era of Static Site Generators is changing over time, a lot of cool tools are being created to help foster the

There is a lot to like about Gaddafi Rusli's ICONSVG. It provides inline <svg>, which is the most generically useful way to deliver them, and probably how they should be used anyway. Each icon is a tiny amount of SVG and I'd bet they were all hand-golfed. They are all stroke-based, so they...

The #StateOfCSS 2019 Survey

You know about the State of JavaScript survey, where thousands upon thousands of developers were surveyed about all-things-JS, from frameworks to testing and many other things in between? Well, Sacha Greif has launched one focused entirely on CSS. This is super timely given a lot of the content...

Quick! What’s the Difference Between Flexbox and Grid?

Let's go rapid fire and try to answer this question with quick points rather than long explanations. There are a lot of similarities between flexbox and grid, starting with the fact that they are used for layout and much more powerful than any layout technique that came before them. They...

Using Dotfiles for Managing Development and Many Other Magical Things

Howdy folks! 🎉 I'm Simon Owen, and over the years, I've loved being a part of and learning from the dotfiles community. I spend a lot of time teaching developers and running workshops. In those sessions, demonstrating how I set up my development environment is often one of things that folks...

The Slow and Steady Refactor

Over the past week or so, I’ve been reading Refactoring by Martin Fowler and it’s all about how to make sweeping changes to a large codebase in a way that doesn’t cause everything to break. I bring this up because there’s a lot of really good notes in this book that have challenged my recent...

Use to Boost Project Organization and Team Collaboration

(This is a sponsored post.) Front-end development relies on organization and solid communication. Whether you're part of a team that builds large-scale sites or you're flying solo with a handful of quality clients, there are many pieces and steps to get a project from start to finish. And that's...

Successful WordPress Freelancing

Andy Adams released a book for aspiring WordPress freelancers. It's meant to take a lot of the guesswork and the roadblocks that many folks often hit when making the decision to fly solo and rely on WordPress development for a stable source of work and income. Aside from being included in it (and...

The Secret Weapon to Learning CSS

For some reason, I’ve lately been thinking a lot about what it takes to break into the web design industry and learn CSS. I reckon it has something to do with Keith Grant’s post earlier this month on a CSS mental model where he talks about a “common core for CSS”: We need common core tricks like...

The Great Divide

Let’s say there is a divide happening in front-end development. I feel it, but it's not just in my bones. Based on an awful lot of written developer sentiment, interviews Dave Rupert and I have done on ShopTalk, and in-person discussion, it’s, as they say... a thing. The divide is between people...

In Defense of Utility-First CSS

A rather full-throated argument (or rather, response to arguments against) utility (atomic) CSS from Sarah Dayan. I wondered recently if redesigns were potentially a weakness of these types of systems (an awful lot of tearing down classes) which Sarah acknowledges and recommends more abstraction...

Design v17

We rolled out a new site design on January 1! This is the 17th version of CSS-Tricks if you can believe that. The versions tend to evolve a decent amount beyond the initial launch, but we archive screenshots on this design history page. Like I said in our 2018 thank you post: This is easily...

5 Hottest VS Code Themes To Use in 2019

Visual Studio Code is incredibly easy to customize, including adding some awesome looking themes. Themes can give your editor a lot of personality and make it more fun to work with

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