Study Finds Most Ransomware Solutions Just Pay Out Crypto
A study has found that most ransomware recovery services are actually just paying crypto ransoms to hackers
Inclusively Hidden
Scott O'Hara recently published "Inclusively Hidden," a nice walkthrough of the different ways to hide things on the web. Nothing is ever cut and dry when it comes to the web! What complicates this is that hidden begs the question: hidden for whom? Different answers to that have different...
Na ČVUTu vzniká výzkumné centrum Smart Driving Solutions, chce přinést revoluci
Špičkoví odborníci, finanční investice a velké ambice stojí za nově vzniklým výzkumným centrem s názvem Smart Driving Solutions při katedře řídicí techniky Fakulty elektrotechnické ČVUT. Tým 13 vědců pod vedením Tomáše Haniše si bere za cíl změnit zaběhlé uvažování a připravit půdu pro novou...
Startup Týdne #123: Enehano pomáhající firmám efektivněji řídit byznys pomocí Salesforce
Když Jiří Mach před třemi lety odcházel ze svého zaměstnání, hledal potenciální příležitosti dalšího rozvoje. Nadchla ho přitom CRM platforma Salesforce a zamiloval se do ní natolik, že se jí začal věnovat naplno. Nadchl do ní i Michala Pešku a společně založili Enehano Solutions. „Jako jedni...
A Crypto Derivatives Primer
Learn about crypto derivatives, risk management and the solutions they offer. From the CMC editorial desk: With increasing interest in crypto derivatives and the function they serve in managing risk, what must you know about them? We asked LXDX, and […]
The post A Crypto Derivatives Primer...
Create Smart WordPress Forms in Less Than 5 Minutes with WPForms
(This is a sponsored post.)
Most online form solutions are either too complex or too expensive.
We believe you shouldn't have to spend hours creating online forms for your business. That's why we built WPForms, a drag and drop WordPress form builder that's both EASY and POWERFUL.
WPForms allows...
Sass Techniques from the Trenches
Having been in the web development industry for more than 14 years, I’ve seen and written my fair share of good and bad CSS. When I began at Ramsey Solutions five years ago, I was introduced to Sass. It blew my mind how useful it was! I dove right in and wanted to learn everything I could about...
The Elements of UI Engineering
I really enjoyed this post by Dan Abramov. He defines his work as a UI engineer and I especially like what he writes about his learning experience:
My biggest learning breakthroughs weren’t about a particular technology. Rather, I learned the most when I struggled to solve a particular UI problem....
Reinvest Your Time with HelloSign API
HelloSign API makes it simple to embed secure and legally binding eSignatures directly into any website. It's 2x faster to implement than other eSign solutions and is also the only eSign API that allows customers to completely white label the integration, meaning our customers can give their...
Customize Payment Solutions with Enhanced API, Sample Code and SDKs
As developers build sites for merchants, we know that payment processing capabilities are important. But it’s not always easy to set up a payment solution that is not only reliable and secure, but
What’s Next for Hybrid App Developers? (Sponsored)
The story of hybrid application development is a never-ending one. Each framework has to continuously strive and innovate to remain relevant, and the discussion of which framework to use is a question often asked. Most hybrid applications are built using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript....
Customize payment solutions with our enhanced platform
(This is a sponsored post.)
We’ve upped our game by using developers’ feedback to improve the Authorize.Net payment platform. Check out our new, streamlined API, better sample code and SDKs, and use them to provide your merchants with a secure, scalable payment solution. You’ll see that it’s...
Fixing the News: Blockchain-Powered Solutions for Media in Crisis
A handful of blockchain-driven media startups that aspire to revolutionize the news economy are different in this important sense
Responsive tables, revisited
Lea Verou with some extra super fancy CSS trickery. No way we could miss linking this one up!
One of the problems with responsive table solutions, at least the ones where you are using CSS to rejigger things, is that there is duplicated content somewhere. Either in CSS or HTML.
Lea finds two ways...
Container-Adapting Tabs With “More” Button
Or the priority navigation pattern, or progressively collapsing navigation menu. We can name it in at least three ways.
There are multiple UX solutions for tabs and menus and each of them have their own advantages over another, you just need to pick the best for the case you are trying to solve....
Build An Animated Image Search with Vue.js (Solution to Code Challenge #8)
Yet to take the code challenge #8 to build an animated image search? You can still do so! Send in your solutions using the co
[aktualita] Adastra kupuje podíl v českých Blindspot Solutions, stojí za nimi i Pěchouček
Skupina Adastra Group získala 50procentní podíl v mladé české společnosti Blindspot Solutions. Jejím spoluzakladatelem a strategickým šéfem je Michal Pěchouček, který založil firmu Cognitive Security. Tu poté koupilo Cisco a na tomto základě v Praze vybudovalo výzkumné a vývojové centrum zaměřené...
Umělá inteligence láká. Adastra koupila polovinu českého podniku Blindspot Solutions
Technologická společnost Adastra Group koupila 50procentní podíl v české firmě Blindspot Solutions, která se specializuje na oblast umělé inteligence a strojového učení. Adastra tak chce posílit v oblasti informačního managementu a digitalizace. Uvedli to dnes zástupci společnosti v tiskové zprávě....