
Nalezeno "Building": 789

Building Responsive WordPress Forms

(This is a sponsored post.) Within the arsenal of every WordPress developer exists a toolbox of plugins used to implement key features on a website. Forms, up until now, have been a point of contention for most developers, given that no form plugins have offered seamless integration with existing...

Gulp for WordPress: Initial Setup

This is the first part of a two-part series on creating a Gulp workflow for WordPress theme development. This first part covers a lot of ground for the initial setup, including Gulp installation and an outline of the tasks we want it to run. If you're interested in how the tasks are created, then...

JavaScript to Native (and Back!)

I admit I'm quite intrigued by frameworks that allow you write apps in web frameworks because they do magic to make them into native apps for you. There are loads of players here. You've got NativeScript, Cordova, PhoneGap, Tabris, React Native, and Flutter. For deskop apps, we've got Electron....

Collective #474

Pika * Shapy * A CSS Venn Diagram * ncc * Building a Simple Virtual DOM from Scratch * Screenshoteer * ForgJs Collective #474 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Build a To-Do application Using Django and React

Web development has grown rapidly over the last decade, and there's a long list of frameworks to choose from when building your projects. A developer’s decision on what framework(s) to use for a p

Nesting Components in Figma

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been building our UI Kit at Gusto, where I work, and this is a Figma document that contains all of our design patterns and components so that designers on our team can hop in, go shopping for a component that they need, and then get back to working on the problem...

GraphQL API with AWS and Use with React

GraphQL has become a go-to API implementation for developers looking to take advantage of features liketype safety, network efficiency, real-time data with subscriptions & more. Building

Build a state management system with vanilla JavaScript

Managing state is not a new thing in software, but it’s still relatively new for building software in JavaScript. Traditionally, we’d keep state within the DOM itself or even assign it to a global object in the window. Now though, we’re spoiled with choices for libraries and frameworks to help...

Building “Renderless” Vue Components

There's this popular analogy of Vue that goes like this: Vue is what you get when React and Angular come together and make a baby. I've always shared this feeling. With Vue’s small learning curve, it's no wonder so many people love it. Since Vue tries to give the developer power over components...

Accessibility for Teams

Maya Benari: Accessibility is a crucial part of government product design. First, it’s the law. Federal agencies face legal consequences when they don’t meet accessibility requirements. Second, it affects us all. Whether you have a motor disability, you sprained your wrist playing dodgeball,...

Collective #434

Building the Google Photos Web UI * Color Wheel Generator * Jasper * Totoro Toggle * Grabient * 3D City with Matter.js * Halftone Effect Collective #434 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Building a Complex UI Animation in React, Simply

Let’s use React, styled-components, and react-flip-toolkit to make our own version of the animated navigation menu on the Stripe homepage. It's an impressive menu with some slick animation effects and the combination of these three tools can make it relatively easy to recreate. This is...

Building Text-to-Speech Apps for the Web

Having interacted with several apps over the years, there is a very high chance that you have interacted with apps that provide some form of voice experience. It could be an app with text-to-speech

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