
Nalezeno "designer": 111

The Contrast Triangle

Chip Cullen: Let’s say you’re building a site, and you’re working with a designer. They come to you with some solid designs, and you’re ready to go. You’re also a conscientious front end developer and you like to make sure the sites you build are accessible. The designs you’re working from have...

iMac z jednoho kusu zakřiveného skla by vypadal skvěle, ukazuje designér

Před týdnem se provalil patent Applu na design počítače z jednoho kusu zakřiveného skla. Zvedla se vlna kritiky, že je to špatný nápad, který navždy zůstane jen ve formě patentu, protože by byl v praxi nepraktický. Jenže do vizuální realizace nápadu se pustil designér vystupující na YouTube pod

How We Tagged Google Fonts and Created

GooFonts is a side project signed by a developer-wife and a designer-husband, both of them big fans of typography. We’ve been tagging Google Fonts and built a website that makes searching through and finding the right font easier. GooFonts uses WordPress in the back end...

Music and Web Design

Brad has a long history in music outside of being a web designer, and draws some interesting parallels. One is that he had reached for more complex music in an effort to become a better musician — and developers can do the same thing. The other is that the composition of music can be seen...

Having a Little Fun With Custom Focus Styles

Every front-end developer has dealt or will deal with this scenario: your boss, client or designer thinks the outline applied by browsers on focused elements does not match the UI, and asks you to remove it. Or you might even be looking to remove it yourself. So you do a little research and find...

The Popeye Moment

Frank Chimero is redesigning "in the open" and we should pay attention to it because (1) we should listen to anything Frank has to say because he's a great designer and writer and (2) working in public is awesome. But the gut punch for me in this opening article is the way Frank pulls zero punches...

Learn UI Design

Erik Kennedy's course Learn UI Design is open for enrollment for less than a week. Disclosure, that link is our affiliate link. I'm linking to it here because I think this is worthy of your time and money if you're looking to become a good UI designer. I think of Erik sorta like the Wes Bos...

Making an Audio Waveform Visualizer with Vanilla JavaScript

As a UI designer, I’m constantly reminded of the value of knowing how to code. I pride myself on thinking of the developers on my team while designing user interfaces. But sometimes, I step on a technical landmine. A few years ago, as the design director of, I was helping to re-design...


David DeSandro has loads of super cool JavaScript libraries he's created over the years. His latest is Zdog, a "round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG." It's only been about a month since he dropped it (although, like any good library, it's been simmering) and it...

The (Developer’s) Growth Model

I really like the post "The Designer’s Growth Model" by Dennis Hambeukers. Dennis just invented this model, but it's based on some existing ideas and it all rings true for me. Let me try to summarize the five stages as he lays them out for designers. Producers: You learn how to design. You learn...

The (Developer’s) Growth Model

I really like the post "The Designer’s Growth Model" by Dennis Hambeukers. Dennis just invented this model, but it's based on some existing ideas and it all rings true for me. Let me try to summarize the five stages as he lays them out for designers. Producers: You learn how to design. You learn...

Using DevTools to Improve the UX Design to Development Process

I’d like to tell you how I see code and design intersect and support one another. Specifically, I want to cover how designers can use code in their everyday work. I suggest this not because it’s a required skill, but because even a baseline understanding of coding can make designs better and...

Convert Video to Grayscale

I’m a JavaScript fanatic but I’ve always been fascinated with media manipulation. Maybe it’s because I’ve secretly always wanted to be a designer, but I’m fine with being able to manipulate art with software instead of create the art myself. One type of art I’ve...

Add Animations to React Apps with React-Lottie

So your designer just came up with an amazing new animation on Adobe After Effects for your web application, fantastic! Just one problem, how do you convert this to a format usable within your web

Animate a Blob of Text with SVG and Text Clipping

I came across this neat little animation in a designer newsletter — unfortunately, I lost track of the source, so please give a shout out if you recognize it! In it, a block of text appears to bleed into view with a swirl of colors, then goes out the same way it came in. It’s a slick effect and...

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