
Nalezeno "QR code": 1615

I'm not sure what to call these icons from Astrit Malsija. The title is "500+ CSS Icons, Customizable, Retina Ready & API" and the URL is "" but they aren't really named anything. Anyway, their shtick is: The 🌎's first icon library designed by code. The idea is that they don't...

The Order of CSS Classes in HTML Doesn’t Matter

That’s right! And I can prove it, too. Let’s look at some CSS first: .a { color: red; } .b { color: blue; } And now let’s look at some markup: <div class="a b">Here’s some text</div> The text is going to be blue because .b is defined last in the CSS, right? But what if we...

“Link In Bio” is a slow knife

Anil Dash: If Instagram users could post links willy-nilly, they might even be able to connect directly to their users, getting their email addresses or finding other ways to communicate with them. Links represent a threat to closed systems. On CodePen, we have a TextExpander snippet we use...

Poles Hit With Backdated Tax on Crypto Trades

Crypto traders in Poland have been unpleasantly surprised with a controversial tax they thought they wouldn’t have to pay. The Civil Law Transactions Tax (PCC) is applicable to digital asset trades conducted before the introduction of last year’s moratorium on its collection, the Polish...

Domain-Driven Design With React

There is very little guidance on how to organize front-end applications in the world of React. (Just move files around until it “feels right,” lol). The truth is that we can do better. Let’s take a look at one pattern you might consider using to architect your site. At first, you might split...

Now You See It

I recently accepted a teaching position at a local college here in SoCal where I'll be spouting off whatever I know (or more likely don't know!) about HTML and CSS. It's suffice to say I was all ears (well, actually eyes) when Rachel Andrew recently published a post on teaching CSS. The display...

Adam Argyle’s 2020 CSS Predictions

I think Adam's first prediction is his boldest, even beyond his Hail Mary prediction. CSS grid is awesome and gap is perhaps one of its best qualities, but gap superseding spacing things out in other ways (e.g. margin) is a bold prediction indeed, especially with Firefox being the only browser...


A standard copy-and-paste YouTube embed lands on your page as an <iframe> which loads a big ol' pile of other stuff to play that video. But the UX of it is still essentially an image and a play button. Click the play button and the video plays. You can build essentially the same thing with...

Freak Flags

I don't see image sprites used that much anymore, but it's still a good technique for reducing downloaded decorative image assets when you have multiple on a page. The big idea is combining all the graphics into one and then shifting around the size and background-position to reveal one at...

Just Sharing My Gulpfile

Seemingly out of the blue, the Gulp processing I had set up for this site started to have a race condition. I'd run my watch command, change some CSS, and the processing would sometimes leave behind some extra files that were meant to be cleaned up during the processing. Like the cleanup tasks...

Quoting in HTML: Quotations, Citations, and Blockquotes

It’s all too common to see the incorrect HTML used for quotes in markup. In this article, let’s dig into all this, looking at different situations and different HTML tags to handle those situations. There are three major HTML elements involved...

How Facebook Avoids Ad Blockers

Dylan Paulus: Facebook actually hides 'dummy' DOM nodes between the 'Sponsored' text. These values are entirely random characters, with a random number of DOM nodes between them. Invisible characters. At this point our CSS ad blocker is completely broken. There is no way for us to possibly code...

Motion Paths – Past, Present and Future

Cassie Evans has a great intro to motion paths. That is, being able to animate an element along a path. Not just up/down/left/right, but whatever curvy/wiggly/weird path you want. It's an interesting subject because there are so many different technologies helping to do it over time. SMIL...

Firefox 71: First Out of the Gate With Subgrid

A great release from Firefox this week! See the whole roundup post from Chris Mills. I'm personally stoked to see clip-path: path(); go live, which we've been tracking as it's so clearly useful. We also get column-span: all; which is nice in case you're one of the few taking advantages of...

Collective #571

CSS Layout * Advent of Code 2019 * DrumBot * Better Web List * The State of UX in 2020 * Binary Music Player Collective #571 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Dark Mode Favicons

Oooo! A bonafide trick from Thomas Steiner. Chrome will soon be supporting SVG favicons (e.g. <link rel="icon" href="/icon.svg">). And you can embed CSS within an SVG with a <style> element. That CSS can use a perfers-color-sceme media query, and as a result, a favicon that supports...

Simplified Fluid Typography

Fluid typography is the idea that font-size (and perhaps other attributes of type, like line-height) change depending on the screen size (or perhaps container queries if we had them). The core trickery comes from viewport units. You can literally set type in viewport units (e.g. font-size: 4vw)...

Testing React Hooks With Enzyme and React Testing Library

As you begin to make use of React hooks in your applications, you’ll want to be certain the code you write is nothing short of solid. There’s nothing like shipping buggy code. One way to be certain your code is bug-free is to write tests. And testing React hooks is not much different from how React...

Web Scraping Made Simple With Zenscrape

Web scraping has always been taken care of by actual developers, since a lot of coding, proxy management and CAPTCHA-solving is involved. However, the scraped data is very often needed by people that are non-coders: Marketers, Analysts, Business Developers etc. Zenscrape is an easy-to-use...

The Power (and Fun) of Scope with CSS Custom Properties

You’re probably already at least a little familiar with CSS variables. If not, here’s a two-second overview: they are really called custom properties, you set them in declaration blocks like --size: 1em and use them as values like font-size: var(--size);, they differ from preprocessor variables...

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