
Nalezeno "see": 1531

How much specificity do @rules have, like @keyframes and @media?

I got this question the other day. My first thought is: weird question! Specificity is about selectors, and at-rules are not selectors, so... irrelevant? To prove that, we can use the same selector inside and outside of an at-rule and see if it seems to affect specificity. body { background:...

CSS prefers-reduced-motion Media Query

When I started in the web development industry, media queries were limited — screen and print were the two media queries I was most often using. More than a decade later, media queries have advanced to various screen units, feature checking, and even color scheme preference. I’ve been...

Optional Chaining

For all of the improvements that the JavaScript language has added over the past few years, like the spread operator, default argument values, and arrow functions, there are still a few features I’d love to see implemented. On such feature is optional chaining. Optional chaining allows...

Responsive Iframes

Say you wanted to put the CSS-Tricks website in an <iframe>. You'd do that like this: <iframe src=""></iframe> Without any other styling, you'd get a rectangle that is 300x150 pixels in size. That's not even in the User Agent stylesheet, it's just some...

US, EU and Japan Could Trigger ‘Cold Currency War’ by Debasing Fiat

The world’s major central banks are waging war to determine who can make their respective fiat currency weaker. With the likelihood of even more money printing and negative interest rates ahead, people need to be ready to see the value of their money evaporate and the price of everything else...

Build a Chat App Using React Hooks in 100 Lines of Code

We’ve looked at React Hooks before, around here at CSS-Tricks. I have an article that introduces them as well that illustrates how to use them to create components through functions. Both articles are good high-level overviews about the way they work, but they open up a lot of possibilities...

Crypto Markets See Double-Digit Crash, Bitcoin Dips Below USD 10,000

Source: iStock/hocus-focus After a short term recovery last week, when bitcoin price reached USD 13,000 again, it dropped over the weekend dipping even below the psychologically important level of USD 10,000 for c. 10 minutes on Monday morning (UTC time). Only a few coins from the top 100 are...

Animating with Clip-Path

clip-path is one of those CSS properties we generally know is there but might not reach for often for whatever reason. It’s a little intimidating in the sense that it feels like math class because it requires working with geometric shapes, each with different values that draw certain shapes...

Why Bitcoin Maximalists Ignore the Value Proposition of BCH

Some crypto companies keep wilfully ignoring BCH. Let’s compare the coins and see if BCH haters rail against Bitcoin Cash on purpose or simply due to a lack of understanding. Also read: Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up Bitcoin...

Five Methods for Five-Star Ratings

In the world of likes and social statistics, reviews are very important method for leaving feedback. Users often like to know the opinions of others before deciding on items to purchase themselves, or even articles to read, movies to see, or restaurants to dine. Developers often struggle with with...

The Twelfth Fourth

CSS-Tricks is 12 years old! Firmly into that Early Adolescence stage, I'd say ;) As we do each year, let's reflect upon the past year. I'd better have something to say, right? Otherwise, John Prine would get mad at me. How the hell can a person go to work in the morning And come home in...

Graphical User Interfaces for Git

Git is command-line-driven software, but that doesn't mean you have to use the command line to make it work. There are lots of options! Some of the deepest programmer nerds I know prefer to use GUIs for Git (Graphic User Interface, or you know, software you can see things and click stuff), and some...

Making width and flexible items play nice together

The short answer: flex-shrink and flex-basis are probably what you’re lookin’ for. The long answer Let’s say you want to align an image and some text next to each other with like this: Now let's say you reach for flexbox to make it happen. Setting the parent element to display: flex; is a good...

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