Steam Flat-Out Refuses To Sell Sleazy Pick-Up Game Super Seducer 3
The third game in dating guru and author Richard La Ruina’s Super Seducer series of full-motion-video dating sims will not be releasing on Steam, because the service does not “ship sexually explicit images of real people,” just tons and tons of anime porn. Read more
Nier na Steamu je ošizený, myslí si „fanoušci“ a zahájili review bombing
Zařazení skvělé mlátičky Nier: Automata do PC verze Game Passu nezpůsobilo mezi fanoušky hry jen nadšení. Majitelé steamové verze se cítí podvedeni, že se jejich verze nedočkala stejné dodatečné péče. Uměle tak snižují její uživatelské hodnocení
Simulátor randění Super Seducer 3 byl odstraněn ze Steamu, porno nevadí
Třetí díl komediální videohry Super Seducer od známého „svůdníka“ Richarda La Ruiny se na rozdíl od předchozích dvou nebude prodávat na platformě Steam. Na vině je prý „explicitní zobrazení skutečných lidí“
The Wisemining Sato Boiler- A Product That Aims to Heat Your Home and Offset Costs by Mining Bitcoin
In just over two weeks, a company called Wisemining plans to launch a new product called Sato, a boiler that can provide heat to a home by leveraging ASIC mining rigs for heat production. It also means that the heater provides revenue in the form of cryptocurrency, which offsets the costs...
Plus: clever Steam bundles lead to upsides!
Life can Be Strange like that
Going to pieces: Fractionalized NFT projects gather steam
Two new projects aim to bring NFTs to the masses by breaking them apart
Steam se plní laciným pornem, žádná úchylka není autorům cizí
Už je to víc než dva roky, co digitální obchod s videohrami Steam přestal cenzurovat obsah a umožňuje distribuovat i regulérní pornografii. Podívali jsme se proto podrobně, zda-li je v tomto žánru konečně k dispozici i něco zajímavého
How do you get 'More..' recommendations on Steam?
Some thoughts on the algorithm evolution
How do you get 'More..' recommendations on Steam?
Some thoughts on the algorithm evolution
Stahujte zdarma povedenou strategii Surviving Mars a střílečku Metro 2033
Tento týden se k rozdávání her zdarma k digitálnímu obchodu Epic připojil i oblíbenější Steam. Karanténu si tak můžete zpříjemnit u povedené budovatelské strategie Surviving Mars nebo starší, ale stále skvělé střílečky Metro 2033
Deep dive: inside King Of Crabs' Steam F2P success
Haven't you always wanted to know?
Deep dive: inside King Of Crabs' Steam F2P success
Haven't you always wanted to know?
1988 MS-DOS Game Gets 2021 Steam Release
1992's Sensible Soccer is one of the greatest video games of all time, but developers Sensible Software didn’t create their classic in a vacuum. They had to work to get there, by developing 1988's Microprose Soccer first.Read more
Counter-Strike Was Accidentally Removed From Steam Today
Earlier today, anyone trying to find or play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Steam ran into a weird surprise: the game was missing. Just...gone.Read more
The Sinking City Devs Accuse Publisher Of Pirating Game
The Sinking City developer Frogwares has publicly accused former publisher Nacon of pirating the Lovecraftian adventure game for its recent re-release on Steam, the arrival of which put the Ukrainian studio in the weird position of asking potential customers not to purchase its own game last...
Plus: Steam Early Access graduates get hype!
Everyone put their hands in the air
Plus: Steam Early Access graduates get hype!
Everyone put their hands in the air
Court Orders Valve To Hand Over Data On 436 Steam Games To Apple
Apple has been asking a bunch of companies to give it confidential information in its ongoing legal battle with Epic Games over how much money each company gets to collect off of Fortnite skin sales on the iPhone. Yesterday, a California magistrate judge ordered Valve to comply with one of these...
Deep dive: how Steam followers and wishlists relate
Let's find out what the survey says
Deep dive: how Steam followers and wishlists relate
Let's find out what the survey says