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Angular v8 is Released!

Angular's 8.0.0 release is here! This is a major release that brings some nice features. For the official blog post, check the Job Board Launched!

Here at Scotch, our main goal has always been to help people make sense of the complex world of development. Explaining why something is in addition to what or how

10 Awesome Things from MS Build Day 1

Microsoft Build is packed with gazillion announcements, fun activities, people and it's so much to fit into one article. I won't be doing justice to the event by trying to fit everything that happe

create-react-app v3, What's new?

When you're looking to setup your React developer environment, create-react-app is one of the go to ways to go about it. This package allows you to do so with minimal configuration as

Going Full-Time on After 5 Years!

This post will be short and sweet. No, I'm not going full-time on drinking some alcohol (part-time on that definitely). After 5 years of being a side project, will be

Community Coding For The Web

Open source barriers Right now, it's too hard to contribute to open source. This leads to a few things that are bad: People who have good ideas don't co

The 10 Things We Built on Twitch in March

This year feels like it's on moving too fast! March is done and it was an eventful month for us here at Scotch. We've gotten the following done: Scotch home page redesign launch

TheWestTour: Ice, Products, and 2G

“Do people speak English in Africa?”, “Do high school students have access to smartphones and computers?” These series of challenging questions made me know I was amongst the right crowd and the lo

What's New with Netlify - March 2019

Netlify is one of my favorite companies out there, and they provide an incredibly amount of static site hosting features, many of which are free. They continue to grow and gain popularity, and they

Productivity Tips I've Learned Building

Productivity is a marathon. The more days and years I put into this coding thing (or anything like fitness for that matter), the more I realize that consistency is far more critical than bursts

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