Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse Tells Banks That 'Crypto Is Not a Bad Word'
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse said that stressing compliance is key to getting bankers on board with cryptocurrencies
Footnote Characters
They are special superset numbers that are sometimes perfect for footnotes. Here they are:
¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹
I generally prefer to superscript the number myself, like:
<pThis next word<sup1</suphas a footnote.</p
You'd probably add an anchor link around that as well to link to an...
JAMstack vs. Jamstack
It's just a word to evoke the idea that serving as much as you can statically while using client-side code and hitting serverless APIs for any needs after that.
The "official website" changed their language from JAMstack (evoking the JavaScript, APIs, and Markup acronym) to Jamstack. It's nothing...
Microbrowsers are Everywhere
The word "microbrowser" clearly got my attention. Never heard that before. Colin Bendell defines them as the little parts of other software that do HTTP requests to a URL to generate a preview. Like the little URL preview in iOS messages, WhatsApp, or Slack.
I'm a tiny bit skeptical of the name...
Bitcoin Cash Community Funds Eatbch Trip to Ghana
This week members of the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community donated funds to Eatbch South Sudan volunteer Thiong Deng so he could spread the word about the benefits of BCH at the Young African Leaders Summit. According to Deng, his journey to Uganda and Ghana has been fully funded which includes flight...
Microsoft nacpe Word, Excel a Powerpoint do jedné společné aplikace Office. Zatím jen na mobilech
Nová mobilní aplikace Office od Microsoftu přinese zásadní změnu - sjednotí doposud samostatné aplikace Word, Excel a Powerpoint do jedné společné. Údajně to má přinést větší přehlednost a efektivitu při práci s dokumenty.
Přínosem má být i fakt, že do mobilu nemusíte instalovat tři samostatné
Crypto Secularizes Wealth by Returning Power to the People
Secularization is the process of converting something from a religious status to a nonreligious one. In its usage here, the word “religious” has no necessary connection to a deity. The word refers to the mystification of a thing in order to elevate it to the status of the divine where...
Bitcoin’s Smallest Unit ‘Satoshi’ Added to Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford University Press published its recent quarterly report which revealed the term ‘satoshi’ was added to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) database. The word represents the “smallest monetary unit in the Bitcoin digital payment system,” according to the definition....
Weekly Platform News: Text Spacing Bookmarklet, Top-Level Await, New AMP Loading Indicator
In this week's roundup, a handy bookmarklet for inspecting typography, using await to tinker with how JavaScript modules import one another, plus Facebook's in-app browser is only posing as one. Let's get into the news!
Check if your content breaks after increasing text spacing
Dylan Barrell from...
How Bridging Blockchains Unlocks Value and Unites Crypto Tribes
Interoperability is a multisyllabic word for a multi-faceted problem. How do you get blockchains to communicate with one another? Until recently, there’s been no easy way to achieve this, leaving assets isolated and smart contract-powered dapps siloed on their respective protocols. Before...
Can the Fed Kill Bitcoin? Navigating the Chokepoints of Tax Law and KYC
Taxes. The one word that can kill any buzz in seconds flat. Whether you’re a libertarian ranting about how taxation is theft or one of those fabled creatures who is actually happy to file them as their so-called civic duty, one fact remains: those who don’t give the government a bite...
Facebook's Word Play Puts Libra's Promise Under Question
David Marcus, co-creator of Libra, head of their Calibra wallet. Source: a video screenshot, Youtube
Until the necessary regulatory approvals are gained, Facebook's Libra will not be launched, David Marcus, co-creator of Libra, head of their Calibra wallet, said on multiple occasions. But what...
[aktualita] Microsoft Word překročil na Androidu miliardu instalací
Mobilní verze Microsoft Wordu překročila miliardu instalací registrovaných v aplikačním obchodu Google Play, podařilo se mu to jako vůbec prvnímu původnímu produktu Microsoftu v historii. Na fakt upozornil web Android Police. Ostatní klíčové aplikace ze sady Office (Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote...
The Future of Websites: Headless CMSs
Since their introduction, content management systems (CMS) have made life easier for website developers, site owners, and administrators alike. Platforms like Word
Černý režim, žblepty a citace podle ISO. Tyto triky pro Word vám chyběly
Microsoft Word patří k nejpoužívanějším programům na světě. Většina uživatelů však zná jen maličký zlomek dostupných funkcí. A to je podle nás škoda. Word totiž obsahuje hodně užitečných nástrojů, o kterých skoro nikdo neví. Připravili jsme přehled triků a zkratek, které vám ušetří čas...
Překvapivě produktivní. Tyto málo známé triky vám ušetří čas ve Wordu
Microsoft Word patří k nejpoužívanějším programům na světě. Většina uživatelů však zná jen maličký zlomek dostupných funkcí. A to je podle nás škoda. Word totiž obsahuje hodně užitečných nástrojů, o kterých skoro nikdo neví. Připravili jsme přehled triků a zkratek, které vám ušetří čas...
Powers of Two
Refactoring is one of those words that evokes fear in the eyes of many folks, from developers to product owners and everyone in between. It may as well be a four-letter word in many ways. It's also something that we talk about quite a bit around here because, like books on the topic, where to start...
CSS Remedy
There is a 15-year history of CSS resets. In fact, a "reset" isn't really the right word. Tantek Çelik's take in 2004 was called "undohtml.css" and it wasn't until a few years later when Eric Meyer called his version a reset, that the word became the default term. When Normalize came around,...
Did you see this Facebook crap?
"Why do I need a 4Ghz quadcore to run facebook?" This is why. A single word split up into 11 HTML DOM elements to avoid adblockers.
— Mike Pan (@themikepan) February 6, 2019
I popped over to Facebook to verify that and what...
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Search and Replace
The "Search and Replace" functionality is very common within word processing applications used for creating notes, documents and things of that nature. In this challenge, we implem