Pausing a GIF with details/summary
Steve Faulkner has a clever idea here. You can show an (animated) GIF and overlay a pause/play button on top of it — which is really a <details>/<summary> element. When toggled, a (non-animated) JPG inside covers the GIF, effectively “pausing” it.
Adrian Roselli calls...
Reactive jQuery for Spaghetti-fied Legacy Codebases (or When You Can’t Have Nice Things)
I can hear you crying out now: “Why on Earth would you want to use jQuery when there are much better tools available? Madness! What sort of maniac are you?” These are reasonable questions, and I’ll answer them with a little bit of context.
In my current job, I am responsible for the care...
What ya need there is a bit of templating
I had a fella write in to me the other day. He had some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it just wasn’t behaving like he thought it ought to. The HTML had some placeholders in it and the JavaScript had some data in it, and the assumption was that the data would fill the placeholders.
To those...
Using Flexbox and text ellipsis together
You can truncate a single line of text with an ellipsis (…) fairly easily with text-overflow and a few friends. But, as you might expect, that truncation happens at the end of the line of text. What if you want to truncate content in the middle?
Leonardo Faria details good use cases for this...
How to Make a Monthly Calendar With Real Data
Have you ever seen a calendar on a webpage and thought, how the heck did they did that? For something like that, it might be natural to reach for a plugin, or even an embedded Google Calendar, but it’s actually a lot more straightforward to make one than you might think and only requires...
marketstack: A Market Data API
(This is a sponsored post.)
I like the apilayer company tagline: “Automate What Should Be Automated.” They have this thick suite of products that are all APIs with clear documentation. They all have usable free tiers to develop against and prove out an idea, and then paid plans if...
When do you use inline-block?
The inline-block value for display is a classic! It’s not new and browser support is certainly not something you need to worry about. I’m sure many of us reach for it intuitively. But let’s put a point on it. What is it actually useful for? When do you pick it over other, perhaps...
Levels of Fix
On the web, we have the opportunity to do work that fixes things for people. It’s fascinating to me how different the scope of those fixes can be.
Consider the media query prefers-reduced-motion. Eric wrote:
I think it’s also worth pointing out the true...
Creating a Gatsby Site with WordPress Data
In my previous article last week, I mentioned creating a partially ported WordPress-Gatsby site. This article is a continuation with a step-by-step walkthrough under the hood.
Gatsby, a React-based framework for static sites, is attracting attention not only from JavaScript developers but also from...
How to Italicize Text
HTML and CSS offer us the ability to italicize text. I’m talking about text like this. Let’s cover everything you’ll need to know.
What is italic text and why would you italicize text?
You italicize text most often to call attention to it. Literally to emphasize a word, so that someone reading...
CSS Painting Order
Usually, when I see terms like “painting order” or “stacking context” my brain will start to shut off and my eyes will gloss over. Not that my brain doesn’t normally shut off more often than not, but that’s another topic for another time.
Martin Robinson over...
Develop, Preview, Test
I want to make the case that prioritizing end-to-end (E2E) testing for the critical parts of your app will reduce risk and give you the best return. Further, I’ll show how you can adopt this methodology in mere minutes.
His test is:
Spin up Puppeteer (Headless Chrome)...
On dependency
Rob Weychert:
But I can’t host your site or even my own site. I didn’t build the CMS. Other people made the hardware and software I use to generate and optimize images. Other people made the fonts. Other people standardized the digital formats for those images and fonts. I didn’t write the HTML...
Backdrop Filter effect with CSS
I love these little posts where some tricky-looking design is solved by a single line of CSS using a little-known property. In this case, the design is a frosted glass effect and the CSS property is backdrop-filter.
The approach? Easy peasy:
.container {
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
Lazy Loading Images in Svelte
One easy way to improve the speed of a website is to only download images only when they’re needed, which would be when they enter the viewport. This “lazy loading” technique has been around a while and there are lots of great tutorials on how to implement it.
But even with all the resources...
Irregular-shaped Links with Subgrid
Michelle Barker covers a situation where you need offset rectangles part of a clickable area. The tricky part is having just the rectangles be clickable. That rules out using some parent element and making the whole larger encompassing rectangle clickable, which is a common (but equally tricky)...
Tradeoffs and Shifting Complexity
This is a masterclass from Dave:
After you hit the wall of unremovable complexity, any “advances” are a shell game, making tradeoffs that get passed down to the user … you get “advances” by shifting where the complexity lives.
You don’t get free reductions in complexity. In CSS land...
Making lil’ me
Cassie Evans made a lovely illustration of herself and then used Greensock to add a flourish of animations to polish it off. Cassie wrote a series of posts about how she did it:
In this post we’ll cover how to get values from the mouse movement and plug them into an animation. This is...
Make Jamstack Slow? Challenge Accepted.
“Jamstack is slowwwww.” That’s not something you hear often, right? Especially, when one of the main selling points of Jamstack is performance. But yeah, it’s true that even a Jamstack site can suffer hits to performance just like any other site. 
Don’t think that by choosing Jamstack you...
Netlify Does Cache Invalidation For You
This is one of my favorite Netlify features. Say you’re working on a site and you change as asset like a CSS, JavaScript, or image file. Ya know, like do our job. On Netlify, you don’t have to think about how that’s going to play out with deployment, browsers, and cache. Netlify...