OpenRates Currency API (Sponsored)
Creating your own APIs can be a total nightmare: worrying about uptime, load balancing, data accuracy, caching, and all of the other risks would keep me up at night. And if your API relates to money in any way? If you get that wrong you could be costing yourself, your employer, or your client...
How to Delete Untracked Files in a Mercurial Repository
Working around Firefox at Mozilla means that you need to get acquainted with mercurial, the version control system that rivals git and svn. Like any tool, hg (mercurial) can be difficult until you’re well versed with it. And if you hg import a URL that doesn’t match up with...
Capture and Report JavaScript Errors with window.onerror
onerror is a special browser event that fires whenever an uncaught
Browser Extensions I Actually Use
I use around 10 at the moment and they all provide functionality to me I find extremely important. Sometimes that functionality is every day all day. Sometimes it's once in a blue moon but when you need it, you need it.
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The post Browser Extensions...
Build live comments with sentiment analysis using Nest.js
(This is a sponsored post.)
Interestingly, one of the most important areas of a blog post is the comment section. This plays an important role in the success of a post or an article, as it allows proper interaction and participation from readers. This makes it inevitable for every platform with...
Script & Style Show: Episode 10: Dojo
In this episode: David and Todd welcome Dojo and JavaScript legend Dylan Schiemann and TypeScript and Dojo 2 superhero Nick Nisi. We cover the early days of Dojo, the road to 2.0, and what’s in Dojo 2.0 and beyond. Enjoy!
The post Script & Style Show: Episode 10: Dojo appeared first...
Regain Disk Space from Homebrew
One of my favorite utilities is Homebrew, the shell utility for installing and upgrading other utilities — it’s a lazy developer’s dream. Dreams can easily turn to nightmares, however, and I recently learned that Homebrew caches older versions of installed packages, leading...
Audio na Ubuntu Studio a na Lubuntu
Tento příspěvek navazuje na diskuzi na zdejším fóru z roku 2015 . Od té doby jsem pokročil a dospěl k určitým poznatkům, které by mohly zajímat ostatní uživatele Linuxu. Formu blogu jsem použil na základě doporučení administrátora fóra. 1. Byl odstraněn problém s Ubuntu Studio, které převádělo...
Detect WebVR Support with JavaScript
It’s been two years since I was heavily involved with WebVR at Mozilla but, despite not contributing every day, I can see VR making leaps and bounds, from Firefox making an increased effort to Chrome pushing VR and Oculus and HTC (Vive) improving their offerings. Native games are getting...
CDN, Web Security, and DDoS Protection from Incapsula (Sponsored)
There used to be day that you could have a small to large website that didn’t require protection and worldwide CDN but, with how easy it is to initiate a DDoS attack and how important website speed is for search engine placement, it’s a given that you should look for a service to handle...
Five of My Favorite Features of Jetpack
Jetpack is an official WordPress plugin directly from Automattic. It's an interesting plugin in that it doesn't just do *one thing* — it does a whole slew of things that enhance what your WordPress site can do. *Any* WordPress site, that is, and often with extremely little effort. Those easy...
Get a React Component by DOM Node
Retrieving a React component’s DOM node is fairly simple from within the component itself, but what if you want to work backward: retrieve a component’s instance by DOM node? This is a task that the old Dojo Toolkit’s Dijit framework allowed with the dojo.byId method, so it made...
How to Get a React Component’s Element
JSX is an amazing pseudo-language for React, and if I’m honest, it’s what brought me to love React so much. Using React without JSX is cumbersome and frustrating, while using JSX is such an easier way to express your code. One drawback of JSX, however, is that it makes accessing...
What’s wrong with CSS-in-JS?
Brad Frost thinks it's:
Lack of portability
Context Switching
Flushing best practices down the toilet
In the spirit of good-ol-fashioned blog-and-response, here's:
Brain Muenzenmeyer's response
Micah Godbolt's response
I'd like to point out that "CSS-in-JS" is an umbrella term, and that there...
Vertically Centering with Flexbox
Vertically centering sibling child contents is a task we’ve long needed on the web but has always seemed way more difficult than it should be. We initially used tables to accomplish the task, then moved on to CSS and JavaScript tricks because table layout was horribly inefficient —...
React and autofocus
While I love ReactJS, I can say that I sometimes find interactions that were easy during the pre-ReactJS are annoyingly difficult or at least “indirect”. One example is properly ensuring that a given <input> element gets focused when a button in a different component...
Analýza sentimentu - databáze českých slov s polaritou (AFINN.CZ]
Pro několik experimentů jsem potřeboval dostatečně rozsáhlý soubor českých slov pro vyjádření sentimentu mluvčího v psaném textu. Na internetu se lze dopátrat podobných databází, nevyhovovaly ale svým poměrně malým rozsahem, nebo kvalitou klasifikace jednotlivých slov. Po několika pokusech...
Script & Style Show: Episode 9: What’s in the News
In this episode: David reveals his tree-falling-into-house nightmare, but quickly moves onto recent news, like the massive release of Dojo 2, EU privacy, service workers landing in all major browsers (finally Edge!), this tweet, and more!  
The post Script & Style Show: Episode...
IP Geolocation with ipstack (Sponsored)
Knowing where your web visitor is located is an incredible advantage to any website; you can show relative content like maps, pricing, and availability, output your content in their likely language, etc — I cannot overstate how useful that information is. Of course we have the HTML5...
Change Python Version
Python plays a major role at Mozilla; much of our website backends and tooling are written in the powerful language. Want to build Firefox? You’ll need to make sure you have the proper Python version, which I recently found out had been upgraded. Despite installing and verifying I had...