Making Web Components for Different Contexts
This article isn’t about how to build web components. Caleb Williams already wrote a comprehensive guide about that recently. Let’s talk about how to work with them, what to consider when making them, and how to embrace them in your projects.
If you are new to web components, Caleb’s guide is...
create-react-app v3, What's new?
When you're looking to setup your React developer environment, create-react-app is one of the go to ways to go about it. This package allows you to do so with minimal configuration as
Make Browsing GitHub Easier and Faster with Octotree
GitHub is an amazing tool that many of us developers use on a daily basis. While GitHub has many great features, one thing that I've always found it to lack is browsing speed. They've got keyboard
React Starter: The Ways to Use React
Before we can jump into learning more about the specifics of React, it's important to talk about all the ways we can use React.
This will give us a good mental overview to see how React can
Make Gmail Cleaner with the Simplify Chrome Extension
Google Inbox is officially gone, and for many, it's a hard pill to swallow. Hardcore fans are desperate to try and fill the void that Inbox has left. Here's a piece of good news. The
Simulating Mouse Movement
If you've ever had to display an interactive animation during a live talk or a class, then you may know that it's not always easy to interact with your slides and while talking.
This happened to me when I needed to show this particles demo to my students. I didn't want to have to stay next to...
Using the Web Speech API for Multilingual Translations
Since the early days of science fiction, we have fantasized about machines that talk to us. Today it is commonplace. Even so, the technology for making websites talk is still pretty new.
We can make our pages on the web talk using the SpeechSynthesis part of the Web Speech API. This is still...
[aktualita] České Youradio se rozšiřuje o streamování mluveného slova
Hudební aplikace Youradio, kterou provozuje česká mediální skupina Active Radio, se ještě v dubnu rozšíří o další produkt. Provozovatel chce vyzkoušet, jestli bude stejně dobře fungovat i s mluveným slovem. Místo písniček tak bude vyhodnocovat zájem o podcasty, zpravodajství a publicistiku. ...
Frontend 3x jinak. Vývojáři z Livesportu zvou na další talk
Co se dá dělat s blokováním rychlosti webu? Jak optimalizovat web s Reactem? A jak udělat technologický krok vpřed, když musíte brát ohled na starý kód? O tom všem bude řeč na chystaném Livesport Talku ve čtvrtek 25. dubna
Going Full-Time on After 5 Years!
This post will be short and sweet. No, I'm not going full-time on drinking some alcohol (part-time on that definitely).
After 5 years of being a side project, will be
Community Coding For The Web
Open source barriers
Right now, it's too hard to contribute to open source.
This leads to a few things that are bad:
People who have good ideas don't co
The 10 Things We Built on Twitch in March
This year feels like it's on moving too fast! March is done and it was an eventful month for us here at Scotch.
We've gotten the following done:
Scotch home page redesign launch
Powers of Two
Refactoring is one of those words that evokes fear in the eyes of many folks, from developers to product owners and everyone in between. It may as well be a four-letter word in many ways. It's also something that we talk about quite a bit around here because, like books on the topic, where to start...
Deploy from CodeSandbox to Netlify in Seconds
In my previous article, Creating a Social Follow Component in React, I used Co
TheWestTour: Ice, Products, and 2G
“Do people speak English in Africa?”, “Do high school students have access to smartphones and computers?” These series of challenging questions made me know I was amongst the right crowd and the lo
Podcasts on The Great Divide
Nick Nisi, Suz Hinton, and Kevin Ball talk about The Great Divide in JS Party #61, then I get to join Suz and Jerod again in episode #67 to talk about it again.
Dave and I also got into it a bit in ShopTalk #346.
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The post Podcasts...
What's New with Netlify - March 2019
Netlify is one of my favorite companies out there, and they provide an incredibly amount of static site hosting features, many of which are free. They continue to grow and gain popularity, and they
Productivity Tips I've Learned Building
Productivity is a marathon. The more days and years I put into this coding thing (or anything like fitness for that matter), the more I realize that consistency is far more critical than bursts
Schematics: A Plug-in System for JavaScript Projects
Schematics is a tool from the Angular team that allows you to manipulate projects with code. You can create files, update existing files, and add dependencies to any project that has a packag
Little Things That Tickled My Brain from An Event Apart Seattle
I had so much fun at An Event Apart Seattle! There is something nice about sitting back and basking in the messages from a variety of such super smart people.
I didn't take comprehensive notes of each talk, but I did jot down little moments that flickered my brain. I'll post them here! Blogging...