
Nalezeno "web": 2178

V sobotu proběhne mezinárodní Flutter Hackathon

V sobotu 1. 6. proběhne v Praze Flutter Hackathon v rámci akce International Flutter Hackathon, který se bude konat souběžně na 60 místech na světě. Hackathon je zaměřený na framework Flutter (mobilní aplikace, web)…

7 Best Character Design Tips for Web Designers

Being familiar with the best character design tips can help you use illustrations in web design in a smart way. Whatever solutions excite creative minds, the illustrative approach has... The post 7 Best Character Design Tips for Web Designers appeared first on Onextrapixel

Collective #518

Take Back Your Web * Animation Handbook * Accessible Icon Buttons * The State of Fluid Web Typography Collective #518 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

What Does it Mean to Be “Full Stack”?

I was asked this recently by a fellow developer who was at the same web tech conference I was at. This developer had met a lot of new people who literally introduced themselves as full-stack developers sort of the way Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration would on The Office, but it was Tony Frank...

[aktualita] Web České televize byl od rána pod DDoS útokem

Web České televize se od rána potýkal s DDoS útokem, který úspěšně omezil jeho funkčnost. Hlavní webová stránka začala být plošně dostupná až kolem 13:30, ještě nějaký čas poté se ale uživatelé mohli potýkat s pomalejším načítáním stránek. Karolína Blinková, tisková mluvčí televize prozradila,...

The “Inside” Problem

So, you're working on a design. You need a full-width container element because the design has a background-color that goes from edge-to-edge horizontally. But the content inside doesn’t necessarily need to be edge-to-edge. You want to: Limit the width (for large screens) Pad the edges Center...

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