
Nalezeno "Javascript": 274

React Node Flow

Flow, the static type checker used in many React projects, feels like a gift and a curse at times; a gift in that it identifies weaknesses in your code, and a curse that sometimes you feel like you’re needlessly adjusting your code to satisfy Flow.  I’ve grown to appreciate Flow...

Convert HTML to Markdown

One of my biggest mistakes with this blog was not finding a WordPress plugin that would allow me to write my posts with markdown; to this day I still need to write posts in “Visual” mode and then manually convert the post to HTML for “Text” mode.  One of these days I want...

Understanding the Almighty Reducer

I was reently mentoring someone who had trouble with the .reduce() method in JavaScript. Namely, how you get from this: const nums = [1, 2, 3] let value = 0 for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { value += nums[i] } this: const nums = [1, 2, 3] const value = nums.reduce((ac, next)...


I work on a really complex debugger at Mozilla but, and don’t tell my colleagues, I sometimes enjoy simply using console.log and other console commands to get some simple output.  I know, I know, but hey — whatever gets the job done.  A few years ago I detailed console.time...


I work on a really complex debugger at Mozilla but, and don’t tell my colleagues, I sometimes enjoy simply using console.log and other console commands to get some simple output.  I know, I know, but hey — whatever gets the job done.  A few years ago I detailed console.time...

Angular pro začátečníky na jsDevMeetup

V úterý 5.6. proběhne poslední přednáška před prázdninami na Fakultě informačních technologií ČVUT v Praze. Od 18:30 se v místnosti T9:107 podíváme na nový Angular a tvorbu webových aplikací. Více informací a registrace…

Přechod na Gulp 4

Gulp je populární nástroj pro automatizování vývoje. Typicky se používá např. k buildu CSS souborů za použití preprocesorů ze zdrojových SASS/LESS souborů, automatickému prefixování, spojování souborů, minifikování, správě ikon nebo sestavování JavaScriptů

Detect WebVR Support with JavaScript

It’s been two years since I was heavily involved with WebVR at Mozilla but, despite not contributing every day, I can see VR making leaps and bounds, from Firefox making an increased effort to Chrome pushing VR and Oculus and HTC (Vive) improving their offerings.  Native games are getting...

Get a React Component by DOM Node

Retrieving a React component’s DOM node is fairly simple from within the component itself, but what if you want to work backward:  retrieve a component’s instance by DOM node?  This is a task that the old Dojo Toolkit’s Dijit framework allowed with the dojo.byId method, so it made...

How to Get a React Component’s Element

JSX is an amazing pseudo-language for React, and if I’m honest, it’s what brought me to love React so much.  Using React without JSX is cumbersome and frustrating, while using JSX is such an easier way to express your code.  One drawback of JSX, however, is that it makes accessing...

Turn Sublime Text 3 into a JavaScript IDE

Sublime Text is one of the most popular editors for web development and software development in general. It’s very smooth and fast compared to other editors (being written in C++ helps that speed). Sublime also has tons of plugins you can find through Package Control. But it’s only a text editor...

Navštivte jsDevMeetup na téma ClojureScript

22. května se bude na Fakultě informačních technologií na ČVUT v Praze konat další přednáška z cyklu jsDevMeetupů. Tentokrát bude přednášet Aleš Roubíček o vývoji v ClojureScriptu. Přednáška začíná v 18:30 v místnosti…

React and autofocus

While I love ReactJS, I can say that I sometimes find interactions that were easy during the pre-ReactJS are annoyingly difficult or at least “indirect”.  One example is properly ensuring that a given <input> element gets focused when a button in a different component...

IT akademie Brno – React v praxi

Na workshopu si vyzkoušíte pokročilou tvorbu aplikací v Reactu a běžně využívaných knihovnách užívaných s Reactem. Podíváme se do světa Reactu a na jeho ekosystém, zaměříme se na prozkoumání nejvíce používaných knihoven s Reactem.…

SOLID – (S)ingle Responsibility Principle

V tomto článku představím Single Responsibility Princip ze SOLIDu. Ukážeme si, jak tento princip dodržovat na konkrétním příkladu, namalujeme si nějaké UML diagramy, a nakonec přiložím celý příklad k dispozici v Typescriptu

The Dark Side of Promises

Since the release of es6 many new features have found their way into NodeJS, but non had quite the same impact as promises. Promises have been developed for the browser before es6 was even a thing. There were several implementations that have been used like jQuery’s deferred object before...

Destructuring and Function Arguments

The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values.  Even if your browser doesn’t yet support proposed JavaScript API syntax additions, you can use a tool...

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