
Nalezeno "Testing": 65

US Pharmacy Chain Pharmcorx Accepts Cryptocurrency for Fast Covid Testing

Progressive Care, a company that operates a chain of pharmacies in the United States, has announced it’s now accepting cryptocurrency for its Covid-19 rapid testing services. Customers are welcome to pay with bitcoin for the quick tests offered at its Pharmcorx locations using a dedicated...

Front-End Testing is For Everyone

Testing is one of those things that you either get super excited about or kinda close your eyes and walk away. Whichever camp you fall into, I’m here to tell you that front-end testing is for everyone. In fact, … The post Front-End Testing is For Everyone appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Bank of Russia Tests Services Related to Cryptocurrencies

Russia’s central bank has examined three platforms offering crypto-related services. The projects have been tested in its regulatory sandbox in the course of 2020. Bank of Russia has received dozens of requests to pilot various financial services since it created the closed regulatory...

React Component Tests for Humans

React component tests should be interesting, straightforward, and easy for a human to build and maintain. Yet, the current state of the testing library ecosystem is not sufficient to motivate developers to write consistent JavaScript tests for React components. Testing … The post React...

A Continuous Integration and Deployment Setup with CircleCI and Coveralls

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are crucial development practices, especially for teams. Every project is prone to error, regardless of the size. But when there is a CI/CD process set up with well-written tests, those errors are a lot easier to find and fix. In this...

Develop, Preview, Test

Guillermo: I want to make the case that prioritizing end-to-end (E2E) testing for the critical parts of your app will reduce risk and give you the best return. Further, I’ll show how you can adopt this methodology in mere minutes. His test is: Spin up Puppeteer (Headless Chrome)...

Using BugHerd to Track Visual Feedback on Websites

BugHerd is about collecting visual feedback for websites. If you’re like me, you’re constantly looking at your own websites and you’re constantly critiquing them. I think that’s healthy. Nothing gets better if you look at your own work and consider it perfectly finished....

Freezing User-Agent Strings

There's been news about Chrome freezing their User-Agent string (and all other major browsers are on board). That means they'll still have a User-Agent (UA) string (that comes across in headers and is available in JavaScript as navigator.userAgent. By freezing it, it will be less useful over time...

Getting Started with Front End Testing

Amy Kapernick covers four types of testing that front-end devs could and should be doing: Linting (There's ESLint for JavaScript and Stylelint or Prettier for CSS.) Accessibility Testing (Amy recommends pa11y, and we've covered Axe.) Visual Regression Testing (Amy recommends Backstop, and we've...

Testing React Hooks With Enzyme and React Testing Library

As you begin to make use of React hooks in your applications, you’ll want to be certain the code you write is nothing short of solid. There’s nothing like shipping buggy code. One way to be certain your code is bug-free is to write tests. And testing React hooks is not much different from how React...

How We Perform Frontend Testing on StackPath’s Customer Portal

Nice post from Thomas Ladd about how their front-end team does testing. The list feels like a nice place to be: TypeScript - A language, but you're essentially getting various testing for free (passing the right arguments and types of variables) Jest - Unit tests. JavaScript functions are doing...

Recipes for Performance Testing Single Page Applications in WebPageTest

WebPageTest is an online tool and an Open Source project to help developers audit the performance of their websites. As a Web Performance Evangelist at Theodo, I use it every single day. I am constantly amazed at what it offers to the web development community at large and the web performance folks...

Model-Based Testing in React with State Machines

Testing applications is crucially important to ensuring that the code is error-free and the logic requirements are met. However, writing tests manually is tedious and prone to human bias and error. Furthermore, maintenance can be a nightmare, especially when features are added or business logic...

Lessons Learned from a Year of Testing the Web Platform

Mike Pennisi: The web-platform-tests project is a massive suite of tests (over one million in total) which verify that software (mostly web browsers) correctly implement web technologies. It’s as important as it is ambitious: the health of the web depends on a plurality of interoperable...

Types or Tests: Why Not Both?

Every now and then, a debate flares up about the value of typed JavaScript. "Just write more tests!" yell some opponents. "Replace unit tests with types!" scream others. Both are right in some ways, and wrong in others. Twitter affords little room for nuance. But in the space of this article we...

Using Percy to add visual testing to a Jekyll site

Visual testing is the automated process of reviewing software from a purely visual standpoint. Instead of testing the code underneath, visual testing is all about what end users actually see and interact with. Similar to functional testing, however, visual testing fits directly into your stack...

Using Percy to add visual testing to a Jekyll site

Visual testing is the automated process of reviewing software from a purely visual standpoint. Instead of testing the code underneath, visual testing is all about what end users actually see and interact with. Similar to functional testing, however, visual testing fits directly into your stack...

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