
Nalezeno "grid": 149

Responsive Grid Magazine Layout in Just 20 Lines of CSS

I was recently working on a modern take of the blogroll. The idea was to offer readers a selection of latest posts from those blogs in a magazine-style layout, instead of just popping a list of our favorite blogs in the sidebar. The easy part was grabbing a list of posts with excerpts from...

The Auto-Flowing Powers of Grid’s Dense Keyword

Let's say we're working on the homepage of a news website. You're probably used to seeing some card-based content in a grid layout, right? Here's a classic example, The New York Times: Yeah, something like that. There are going to be some cards/elements/boxes/whatever that need to take up more...

How to Stack Elements in CSS

If you want to create fantastic and unique visual experiences on the web, you will eventually need two elements to overlap or exist in the same place. You may even just need them to be positioned near or next to each other. Let's go over two different ways to accomplish this, one with the position...

New Year, New Job? Let’s Make a Grid-Powered Resume!

Many popular resume designs are making the most of the available page space by laying sections out in a grid shape. Let’s use CSS Grid to create a layout that looks great when printed and at different screen sizes. That way, we can use the resume online and offline, which might come in handy during...

Scroll, Refraction and Shader Effects in Three.js and React

Discover how to use react-three-fiber and combine some common techniques to create a Three.js powered layout with shader effects. Scroll, Refraction and Shader Effects in Three.js and React was written by Paul Henschel and published on Codrops

Collective #574

Happy Hues * JavaScript Visualized * Styled Components, Styled Systems * Raw WebGL * Bravo Studio App Collective #574 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Adam Argyle’s 2020 CSS Predictions

I think Adam's first prediction is his boldest, even beyond his Hail Mary prediction. CSS grid is awesome and gap is perhaps one of its best qualities, but gap superseding spacing things out in other ways (e.g. margin) is a bold prediction indeed, especially with Firefox being the only browser...

Some CSS Grid Strategies for Matching Design Mockups

The world of web development has always had a gap between the design-to-development handoff. Ambitious designers want the final result of their effort to look unique and beautiful (and true to their initial vision), whereas many developers find more value in an outcome that is consistent...

Weaving One Element Over and Under Another Element

In this post, we’re going to use CSS superpowers to create a visual effect where two elements overlap and weave together. The epiphany for this design came during a short burst of spiritual inquisitiveness where I ended up at The Bible Project’s website. They make really cool animations, and...

Overflow And Data Loss In CSS

"Data Loss" is a funny term. My brain thinks of like packet loss on the way from the server to your browser, resulting in missing content in files. Perhaps it is that on some level, but in CSS parlance, it has to do with the overflow property. Too much content for sized container + hidden overflow...

PR: Plan Flash – Decentralized Data Processing

Data processing is indispensable everywhere and all the time in modern life. The daily services we use every day, such as face recognition, voice assistant, text recognition, automatic recommendation, automatic data analysis and so on, all have a large number of data processing requirements...

IRS Revoking Passports Shows How Government Erodes Everything We Hold Dear

If you have outstanding tax debt, the IRS may now want to take your passport. For U.S. crypto holders still waiting on promised IRS guidelines for filing — especially those overseas who may have missed these warning memos — the over 400,000 agency notifications issued since February...

Bringing CSS Grid to WordPress Layouts

December 6th, 2018 was a special date for WordPress: it marked the release of version 5.0 of the software that, to this day, powers more than one-third of the web. In the past, people working on the platform pointed out that there has never been any special meaning to version numbers used...

Intrinsically Responsive CSS Grid with minmax() and min()

The most famous line of code to have come out of CSS grid so far is: grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(10rem, 1fr)); Without any media queries, that will set up a grid container that has a flexible number of columns. The columns will stretch a little, until there is enough room...

Building a Conference Schedule with CSS Grid

It’s hard to beat the feeling of finding a perfect use for a new technology. You can read every handy primer under the sun and ooh-and-ahh at flashy demos, but the first time you use it on your own project… that’s when things really click. I gained a new appreciation for CSS Grid when building...

Hello Subgrid!

Rachel Andrew’s talk at CSSconf is wonderful because it digs into one of the most exciting changes that’s coming soon to a browser near you: subgrid! That’s a change to the CSS Grid spec that allows for much greater flexibility for our visual designs. Subgrid allows us to set one grid on an entire...

Draggable Menu with Image Grid Previews

A draggable inline menu with a scattered thumbnail preview of an image grid. Draggable Menu with Image Grid Previews was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops

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