Xboxová exkluzivita The Medium nakonec vyjde i na PS5
Xboxová exkluzivita The Medium nakonec vyjde i na PS5
Bayonetta 3 Director Seems Annoyed By Speculation
One glaring omission in yesterday’s Nintendo Direct for E3 2021 was Bayonetta 3. Heck, even Kotaku thought news about the game was a “safe bet.” Hideki Kamiya, the game’s outspoken creator, is once again not mincing words with those speculating as to why the title was absent.Read more
Switch je už 30 měsíců nejprodávanější konzolí v USA
Even With Anime, Netflix Subscriptions Lag Behind In Japan
Take a look at the top ten charts on Netflix Japan, and it’s filled with anime. The streaming service has gone out of its way to appeal to Japan, including producing Netflix exclusive Japanese dramas, but subscriptions are still lagging behind other regions.Read more
Cyberpunk 2077 se vrací na playstationy, Sony stále varuje před jeho koupí
Víc než půl roku od svého problematického vydání půjde loňský hit Cyberpunk 2077 opět koupit v digitálním obchodě PSN. Majitelé základního modelu PlayStationu 4 s ním však zřejmě stále spokojeni nebudou
Report: Sony Releasing New VR Headset In 2022
A report from Bloomberg that’s mostly about LCD panels and VR also contains a brief mention that Sony has plans to release a new VR headset in late 2022.Read more
Japan's Giant Robot Crossover Series Is Back For What Feels Like Its 1174th Game
Super Robot Wars, one of the longest-running and most numerous video game series of all time, is back once more, and this time it’s celebrating its 30th birthday.Read more
Nintendo At E3 2021: The Biggest Announcements, In Four-And-A-Half Minutes
Nintendo’s E3 2021-flavored Direct presentation was meatier than most of the last few days, with a good deal of info on upcoming games and surprise reveals. If you don’t have the time to sit through the entire press conference, our video is the perfect place to get all the juicy highlights in just...
Metroid Dread’s Adam Won’t Order Samus Around, Says Nintendo
It’s been a busy day for E3 2021, with the biggest announcement probably being Nintendo’s revival of the long-rumored Metroid Dread title for the series’ fifth mainline installment. Metroid Dread, coming to Switch on October 8, again follows Samus Aran on her planetary explorations, but also...
LEGO, Adidas, What Are You Doing
My eyes. My eyes.Read more
Junji Ito's Uzumaki Manga Looks Incredible As An Anime Series
We already knew that Junji Ito’s horror story Uzumaki was being turned into an animated series, but today we got our first good look at it, as well as word of a new release date.Read more