
Nalezeno "API": 495


Every once in a while I stumble upon an API or browser setting that I can’t believe ever existed. Such examples can be seen in the numerous String.prototype properties such as bold, italics, and even blink, which wrap given string text in their representative HTML tags. Bizarre. It...

Easy Google Search Result API with Zenserp (Sponsored)

No matter how much experience I gain in this industry, one task I continue to fail at is building an accurate, flexible, and maintainable scraper for site search. As soon as sites change their HTML structure, my scrape is borked. When looking to build my own search results page, I looked around...

An Explanation of How the Intersection Observer Watches

There have been several excellent articles exploring how to use this API, including choices from authors such as Phil Hawksworth, Preethi, and Mateusz Rybczonek, just to name a few. But I’m aiming to do something a bit different here. I had an opportunity earlier in the year to present the VueJS...

Ownera Joins Amazon on Hackathon to Launch Digital Securities API

An emerging digital securities network, Ownera combined with Amazon. It will release digital securities API with the help of HyperLedger Fabric blockchain service managed by Amazon. According to recent research, Hyperledger Fabric is a winner for enterprise blockchain projects. Ownera stated that...

weatherstack: an Amazing Weather API (Sponsored)

One of my first tasks each day is checking the weather; it’s a necessity for knowing what my children and I should wear, if I’m going to need to water the lawn or need to shovel snow, and if I can take meetings out on my patio. It’s also been one of my worst web […] The post...

The Best (GraphQL) API is One You Write

Listen, I am no GraphQL expert but I do enjoy working with it. The way it exposes data to me as a front-end developer is pretty cool. It's like a menu of available data and I can ask for whatever I want. That's a massive improvement over REST and highly empowering for me as a front-end developer...

Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe with GraphQL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that is very empowering for front-end developers. As the GraphQL site explains it, you describe your data, ask for what you want, and get predictable results. If you haven’t worked with it before, GraphQL might be a little confusing to grok at first glance....

Collective #542

GoPablo * useAuth * WebAssembly Interface Types * NuxtPress * The Native File System API Collective #542 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

then on Objects

Promises were a revelation in JavaScript development, allowing us to enjoy async processing and avoid callback hell. Many new APIs like Battery API, Cache API, and others use the promise API. One fact you may not know is that you can add a then method to any object to make it Promise-like!...

Fetching Data in React using React Async

You’re probably used to fetching data in React using axios or fetch. The usual method of handling data fetching is to: Make the API call. Update state using the response if all goes as planned. Or, in cases where errors are encountered, an error message is displayed to the user. There will always...

A More Accessible Portals Demo

The point of the <portal> element (behind a flag in Chrome Canary) is that you can preload another whole page (like <iframe>), but then have APIs to animate it to the current page. So "Single Page App"-like functionality (SPA), but natively. I think that's pretty cool. I'm a fan...

Creating Dynamic Routes in a Nuxt Application

In this post, we’ll be using an ecommerce store demo I built and deployed to Netlify to show how we can make dynamic routes for incoming data. It’s a fairly common use-case: you get data from an API, and you either don’t know exactly what that data might be, there’s a lot of it, or it might change....

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