More Like position: tricky;
I rather like position: sticky;. It has practical use cases. I think of things like keeping a table of contents in a sidebar of a long article, but as a fairly simple implementation and without risk of overlapping things in awkward ways. But Elad Shechter is right here: it's not used that much...
Code Challenge #15: Simple Crazy Buttons with VanillaJS
Woohoo! This is the first of our live stream code challenge series, and we'll kick it off with completing a super satisfying and rather funny challenge using HTML, CSS and plain Vanilla JavaScript
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Palindromes
In this challenge we further strengthen our string manipulation skills by implementing simple algorithms to test if a string of text is a palindrome.
What is a palindrome?
The Many Ways to Change an SVG Fill on Hover (and When to Use Them)
SVG is a great format for icons. Vector formats look crisp and razor sharp, no matter the size or device — and we get tons of design control when using them inline.
SVG also gives us another powerful feature: the ability to manipulate their properties with CSS. As a result, we can make quick...
Creating Your Own Gravity and Space Simulator
Space is vast. Space is awesome. Space is difficult to understand — or so people tend to think. But in this tutorial I am going to show you that this is not the case. Quite the contrary; the laws that govern the motion of the stars, planets, asteroids and even entire galaxies are incredibly simple....
Using React and XState to Build a Sign In Form
To make a sign in form with good UX requires UI state management, meaning we’d like to minimize the cognitive load to complete it and reduce the number of required user actions while making an intuitive experience. Think about it: even a relatively simple email and password sign in form needs...
React indeterminate
I’ve fallen in love with React.js and JSX over the years; state-based rendering and a logical workflow have made me see the light of this modern framework. That doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes get a bit frustrated that the “simple” things seem harder than they should...
Super Simple GraphQL with Node
GraphQL is a specification and therefore language agnostic. When it comes GraphQL development with node, there are various options available ranging from
How to Change the WordPress Media Upload Directory
One thing I’ve always missed about the “old” way of web development was the simplicity of FTP. No deploy scripts, no fuss: simple drag and drop of files and the files are there. I’ve used FTP for assets on this blog for over a decade but I’m finally ready to be lazy...
How to Add a User Stylesheet in Firefox
While many like to complain about CSS these days, it’s important to remember how amazing CSS is; the CSS language is: easy to learn easy to read easy to write simple to understand Web developers and designers alike love that CSS allows us to take text/media and present it in a beautiful...
Gradient Borders in CSS
Let's say you need a gradient border around an element. My mind goes like this:
There is no simple obvious CSS API for this.
I'll just make a wrapper element with a linear-gradient background, then an inner element will block out most of that background, except a thin line of padding around...
Nested Destructuring
Destructuring in JavaScript can initially feel confusing but the truth is that destructuring can make your code a bit more logical and straight forward. Destructuring does look a bit more complex when you’re looking for a property several objects deep, so let’s have a look at how to...
[aktualita] Sodomkův výrobce IoT čidel Simple Hardware shání šest milionů na Fundliftu
Česká společnost Simple Hardware, kterou rozjel zakladatel Atlasu a tuzemského Sigfox operátora SimpleCell Pavel Sodomka, se pokouší vybrat peníze na investment-crowdfundingové platformě Fundlift. Získat chce šest milionů korun a k cíli je poměrně blízko – 135 investorů už přispělo částkou téměř...
Write React Faster w/ Simple React Snippets
I'm a big fan of speeding up every part of your development. If you shave off seconds here and there multiple times a day, you'll save a ton of time over the course of a year.
This involves
Collective #474
Pika * Shapy * A CSS Venn Diagram * ncc * Building a Simple Virtual DOM from Scratch * Screenshoteer * ForgJs
Collective #474 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Build Simple Authentication in Express in 15 Minutes
Building web pages with user authentication can be a huge pain. You typically need to set up some sort of database to manage users even if you're not using the database for anything else. You would
Get Started w/ Prisma for Super Simple GraphQL
Almost every week we get to see a new tool or product being released for GraphQL development. Yeah, that's how hot the GraphQL ecosystem is currently is. Today, we'll be looking at one of the tools
Create the Google Button Effect with CSS
I always found Google’s branding simple but grew to realize that was the beauty in their design; there’s something about “just enough” that is the perfect balance between bland and over the top. GMail’s design grew old over the years and Google just got around...
Motion Reveal Slideshow
A simple image slideshow with a motion reveal effect when navigating between slides and a fullscreen details view.
Motion Reveal Slideshow was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Adding Particle Effects to DOM Elements with Canvas
Let’s take a look at how to make web pages more visually capable by combining the freedom of <canvas> with HTML elements. Specifically, we will be creating a basic HTML-to-particle effect, but the same technique could be used for many kinds of effects.
Before we begin, feel free to grab...