
Nalezeno "Query": 62

Collective #563

Game Off 2019 * Pure CSS Lace * The Svelte Handbook * GraphQL Crash Course * React Query Collective #563 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Meeting GraphQL at a Cocktail Mixer

GraphQL and REST are two specifications used when building APIs for websites to use. REST defines a series of unique identifiers (URLs) that applications use to request and send data. GraphQL defines a query language that allows client applications to specify precisely the data they need from...

Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe with GraphQL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that is very empowering for front-end developers. As the GraphQL site explains it, you describe your data, ask for what you want, and get predictable results. If you haven’t worked with it before, GraphQL might be a little confusing to grok at first glance....

How much specificity do @rules have, like @keyframes and @media?

I got this question the other day. My first thought is: weird question! Specificity is about selectors, and at-rules are not selectors, so... irrelevant? To prove that, we can use the same selector inside and outside of an at-rule and see if it seems to affect specificity. body { background:...

CSS prefers-reduced-motion Media Query

When I started in the web development industry, media queries were limited — screen and print were the two media queries I was most often using. More than a decade later, media queries have advanced to various screen units, feature checking, and even color scheme preference. I’ve been...

Reduced Motion Picture Technique, Take Two

Did you see that neat technique for using the <picture> element with <source media=""> to serve an animated image (or not) based on a prefers-reduced-motion media query? After we shared that in our newsletter, we got an interesting reply from Michael Gale: What about folks who love...

Reducing motion with the picture element

Here’s a bonafide CSS/HTML trick from Brad Frost and Dave Rupert where they use the <picture> element to switch out a GIF file with an image if the user has reduced motion enabled. This is how Brad goes about implementing that: <picture> <!-- This image will be loaded if...

Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query

Two years ago, I wrote about prefers-reduced-motion, a media query introduced into Safari 10.1 to help people with vestibular and seizure disorders use the web. The article provided some background about the media query, why it was needed, and how to work with it to avoid creating...

People Digging into Grid Sizing and Layout Possibilities

Jen Simmons has been coining the term intrinsic design, referring to a new era in web layout where the sizing of content has gone beyond fluid columns and media query breakpoints and into, I dunno, something a bit more exotic. For example, columns that are sized more by content and guidelines than...

How @supports Works

CSS has a neat feature that allows us to test if the browser supports a particular property or property:value combination before applying a block of styles — like how a @media query matches when, say, the width of the browser window is narrower than some specified size and then the CSS within...

Where Do You Nest Your Sass Breakpoints?

I love nesting my @media query breakpoints. It's perhaps the most important feature of Sass to me. Maybe I pick a method and do it like this: .element { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 100px 1fr; @include breakpoint(baby-bear) { display: block; } } That's straightforward enough....

prefers-color-scheme: CSS Media Query

One device and app feature I’ve come to appreciate is the ability to change between light and dark modes. If you’ve ever done late night coding or reading, you know how amazing a dark theme can be for preventing eye strain and the headaches that result. macOS recently implemented...

Putting the Flexbox Albatross to Real Use

If you hadn't seen it, Heydon posted a rather clever flexbox layout pattern that, in a sense, mimics what you could do with a container query by forcing an element to stack at a certain container width. I was particularly interested, as I was fighting a little layout situation at the time I...

Fast, Good, Local Site Search with Jetpack

If you have, say, 20 posts/pages on your WordPress site, the search functionality that is baked right into your self-hosted WordPress site will probably do a great job. Search is a pretty cool feature to ship with WordPress, truth be told. But as a site grows, you'll find limits. How it works...

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