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Level up your .sort game

Sorting is a super handy JavaScript method that can display the values of an array in a certain order. Whether that’s real estate listings by price, burger joints by distance, or best nearby happy hours by rating, sorting arrays of information is a common need. If you’re already doing this with...

Using DevTools to Improve the UX Design to Development Process

I’d like to tell you how I see code and design intersect and support one another. Specifically, I want to cover how designers can use code in their everyday work. I suggest this not because it’s a required skill, but because even a baseline understanding of coding can make designs better and...

What if we got aspect-ratio sized images by doing almost nothing?

Say you have an image you're using in an <img> that is 800x600 pixels. Will it actually display as 800px wide on your site? It's very likely that it will not. We tend to put images into flexible container elements, and the image inside is set to width: 100%;. So perhaps that image ends...

Closures and Currying in Javascript

What are Closures? If you write code in Javascript it's quite likely you have come across the term closure, which is a useful yet often confusing concept. But just what is a c

A Course About CSS Layout and Animations

Christina Gorton just released a new course called CSS Layout and Animations as a part of Design+Code, which is a $9/month. That includes a ton of video training on everything from stuff like this to React to Sketch to iOS development... and beyond! Christina approaches the course with my favorite...

New Browser Extension Enhances BCH Addresses for Easy Tipping

Bitcoin cash is a great fit for tipping online creators as it offers extremely low fees which is needed for small payments with cryptocurrency to make sense. A new tool aims to make the tipping process easier, removing the need to manually copy and paste BCH addresses. Also Read: How to Use...

Create a Custom useFetch() React Hook

A custom hook is a JavaScript function with a unique naming convention that requires - the function name to start with use and the function may call other Hooks

Movin’ Modals Along a Path

Modals always be just appearin'. You might see one once in a while that slides in from one of the edges, or uses some kind of scale/opacity thing to appear from "above" or "below." But we can get weirder than that. Why not have them come in on an offset-path? Just a swoopy arc is kinda fun. ...

Implementing Private Variables In JavaScript

JavaScript (or ECMAScript) is the programming language that powers the web. Created in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, it’s found its place as a widely-used and versatile technology. Despite its success, it’s been met with its fair share of criticism, especially for idiosyncrasies. Things like objects...

Testing the Noncustodial Button Wallet With BCH Over Telegram Messenger

Users of the Telegram-infused cryptocurrency Button Wallet can now purchase digital assets through its partnership with the payment processor Wyre. Button Wallet allows users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies like BCH, ETH, BTC, LTC, and ETC through the Telegram messaging app....

Reducing motion with the picture element

Here’s a bonafide CSS/HTML trick from Brad Frost and Dave Rupert where they use the <picture> element to switch out a GIF file with an image if the user has reduced motion enabled. This is how Brad goes about implementing that: <picture> <!-- This image will be loaded if...

React Async for Declarative Data Fetching

Generally, there are two ways of writing code: Imperatively/Declaratively and two ways of fetching Data: Synchronously/Asynchronously. We are more convenient with making requests imperatively using

Another Aspiring Satoshi Copyrights the Bitcoin Whitepaper

The cryptocurrency community got riled up recently over Craig Wright’s U.S. copyright registration of the Bitcoin whitepaper and some of the code from the early software. However, on May 24 the U.S. Copyright Office saw a Bitcoin whitepaper registration by a man named Wei Liu, bringing...

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