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Night Mode with Mix Blend Mode: Difference

Dark mode designs are all the rage right now but here’s an interesting take: Wei Gao has built a night mode on her own site that uses mix-blend-mode: difference to create an effect that looks like this: Wei explains how she implemented this technique and the edge cases she encountered along... Launches Free Bitcoin Cash Register Platform for iOS Devices

About a month ago, launched its free point-of-sale solution, Bitcoin Cash Register, for Android operating systems. This week our developers have released Bitcoin Cash Register for iOS mobile phones allowing any merchant with an Apple device to accept bitcoin cash payments. Also read:...

Code as Documentation: New Strategies with CSS Grid

I work for Supercool, a fast-moving design agency that makes custom built sites for arts clients, powered by the off-the-shelf system, Craft CMS; it's high-spec graphic design with relatively demanding typography and art direction. Over the past few months we’ve been moving to CSS grid. We’re...

US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright’s Bitcoin Registrations

On May 21, 2019, a press release was sent to a variety of publications that said Craig Wright was granted two U.S. copyrights for the original Bitcoin white paper and version 0.1 of the cryptocurrency’s code. Meanwhile, the U.S. Copyright Office specifically addressed the matter in a press...

The Browser Can Remember Edited Content

You can make the text inside any HTML element editable by adding the contenteditable attribute. <div contenteditable> Hey, I'm like a textarea kinda now! </div> I wouldn't say there are wheelbarrows full of use-cases for that, but it's neat. One possible use might be...

Animated Page Transitions in Gatsby Websites

GatsbyJS is a React-based static site generator powered by GraphQL. It makes it possible for you to code and develop your site, while Gatsby transforms it into a directory with a s

The “Inside” Problem

So, you're working on a design. You need a full-width container element because the design has a background-color that goes from edge-to-edge horizontally. But the content inside doesn’t necessarily need to be edge-to-edge. You want to: Limit the width (for large screens) Pad the edges Center...

Footnotes That Work in RSS Readers

Feedbin is the RSS reader I'm using at the moment. I was reading one of Harry's blog posts on it the other day, and I noticed a nice little interactive touch right inside Feedbin. There was a button-looking element with the number one which, as it turned out, was a footnote. I hovered over it,...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About inputmode

The inputmode global attribute provides a hint to browsers for devices with onscreen keyboards to help them decide which keyboard to display when a user has selected any input or textarea element. <input type="text" inputmode="" /> <textarea inputmode="" /> Unlike changing the type...

Crescent Cash Users Can Now Send Bitcoin Cash Via Text Message

On May 15, the BCH-based and open source Android wallet Crescent Cash launched a new feature that allows people to send bitcoin cash through a text message. The SMS sending service added to the wallet is due to the latest open source API introduced by the crypto startup Cointext. Also read: Bitcoin...

Google Fonts is Adding font-display

Google announced at I/O that their font service will now support the font-display property which resolves a number of web performance issues. If you're hearing cries of joy, that's probably Chris as he punches the air in celebration. … Read article The post Google Fonts is Adding...

Change Color of SVG on Hover

There are a lot of different ways to use SVG. Depending on which way, the tactic for recoloring that SVG in different states or conditions — :hover, :active, :focus, class name change, etc. — is different. Let's look at the ways. Inline SVG Inline SVG is my favorite way to use...

SVG Properties and CSS

There are many Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), but only certain attributes can be applied as CSS to SVG. Presentation attributes are used to style SVG elements and can be used as CSS properties. Some of these attributes are SVG-only while others are already shared in CSS, such as font-size...

Learn How to Create BCH Apps With’s Developer Platform

Are you a professional or a hobbyist programmer and want to create cryptocurrency enabled applications?’s Developer Platform offers resources for you to learn how to develop software based on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network. Also Read: Crypto Meets Techno and Binance Security...

Deploying a Client-Side Rendered create-react-app to Microsoft Azure

Deploying a React app to Microsoft Azure is simple. Except that... it isn’t. The devil is in the details. If you're looking to deploy a create-react-app — or a similar style front-end JavaScript framework that requires pushState-based routing — to Microsoft Azure, I believe this article will serve...

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