
Nalezeno "technology.": 151

Build a 100% Serverless REST API with Firebase Functions & FaunaDB

Indie and enterprise web developers alike are pushing toward a serverless architecture for modern applications. Serverless architectures typically scale well, avoid the need for server provisioning and most importantly are easy and cheap to set up! And that’s why I believe the next evolution...


Buy or build is a classic debate in technology. Building things yourself might feel less expensive because there is no line item on your credit card bill, but has cost in the form of time. Buying things, believe it or not, is usually less expensive when it comes to technology that isn't your core...

The Real Dark Web

Here’s a wonderful reminder from Charlie Owen that everyone in the web design industry isn’t using the latest and greatest technology. And that’s okay! Charlie writes: Most web developers are working on very "boring" teams. They're producing workhorse products that serve the organisation needs....

Building a Conference Schedule with CSS Grid

It’s hard to beat the feeling of finding a perfect use for a new technology. You can read every handy primer under the sun and ooh-and-ahh at flashy demos, but the first time you use it on your own project… that’s when things really click. I gained a new appreciation for CSS Grid when building...

React Starter: JSX Gotchas

JSX is a very powerful technology. With all new things that we have to learn, there is a bit of a learning curve. Let's talk about some of the gotchas when using JSX. These are some common things t

Implementing Private Variables In JavaScript

JavaScript (or ECMAScript) is the programming language that powers the web. Created in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, it’s found its place as a widely-used and versatile technology. Despite its success, it’s been met with its fair share of criticism, especially for idiosyncrasies. Things like objects...

Getting into GraphQL with AWS AppSync

GraphQL is becoming increasingly popular. The problem is that if you are a front-end developer, you are only half of the way there. GraphQL is not just a client technology. The server also has to be implemented according to the specification. This means that in order to implement GraphQL into your...

The Elements of UI Engineering

I really enjoyed this post by Dan Abramov. He defines his work as a UI engineer and I especially like what he writes about his learning experience: My biggest learning breakthroughs weren’t about a particular technology. Rather, I learned the most when I struggled to solve a particular UI problem....

Build Native Modals Using the Dialog Element

With release of HTML 5.2 comes the dialog element. The dialog element has been around for a while now but was an experimental technology. Previously, if we wanted to build a mo

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