How Crypto Assets Are Capturing the Attention Economy
Human attention is a finite resource: we awake each day with it replenished, only for it to seep away through work, leisure, and time frittered idly browsing the web while circumventing ads. Recognizing the scarcity of maintaining human interest, attention economists have devised incentivized...
Thoughts After Looking at the Web Almanac’s Chapter on CSS
Woah, I didn't see this coming! The HTTP Archive dropped this big "state of the web" report called Web Almanac with guest writers exploring data from 5.8 million websites.
Una Kravetz and Adam Argyle wrote the CSS chapter. The point is to squeeze a digestible amount of insight out of a mountain's...
Brave Web Browser Finally Enabled BAT Rewards for Its iOS Users
Now, iPhone users can earn Basic Attention Token (BAT) tokens for simply watching privacy-preserving advertisements with the blockchain-based Brave Browser. BAT is an Ethereum based open-source, decentralized ad marketing platform. Formerly Brave Payments used Bitcoin to allow users to reward...
Awesome Demos Roundup #10
Get inspired with this collection of fresh, creative coding experiments from around the web.
Awesome Demos Roundup #10 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops
Making an Audio Waveform Visualizer with Vanilla JavaScript
As a UI designer, I’m constantly reminded of the value of knowing how to code. I pride myself on thinking of the developers on my team while designing user interfaces. But sometimes, I step on a technical landmine.
A few years ago, as the design director of, I was helping to re-design...
When to Use SVG vs. When to Use Canvas
SVG and canvas are both technologies that can draw stuff in web browsers, so they are worth comparing and understanding when one is more suitable than the other. Even a light understanding of them makes the choice of choosing one over the other pretty clear.
A little flat-color icon? That's...
scrapestack: An API for Scraping Sites
(This is a sponsored post.)
Not every site has an API to access data from it. Most don't, in fact. If you need to pull that data, one approach is to "scrape" it. That is, load the page in web browser (that you automate), find what you are looking for in the DOM, and take it.
You can do this...
Hackeři zneužívají chybu ve Firefoxu. Nebezpečný web zablokuje prohlížeč
Kybernetičtí zločinci aktivně zneužívají zranitelnosti prohlížečích a nevyhýbá se to ani Firefoxu. Po otevření nebezpečného webu dojde k zablokování prohlížeče a uživateli se takříkajíc znefunkční počítač. Web následně vybízí, aby nic netušící oběť zatelefonovala na falešné číslo technické podpory.
Firmy mohou mít na WhatsAppu vlastní e-shopy. Přitom nemusí mít ani web
Firmy mohou nově využít přímo komunikátor WhatsApp k propagaci svých produktů. Aplikace umožňuje založit si vlastní katalog produktů, který je dostupný z profilu a jednotlivé produkty lze snadno posílat.
Novinka míří hlavně na ty podniky, kteří využívají WhatsApp jako hlavní komunikační kanál se
Weekly Platform News: Web Apps in Galaxy Store, Tappable Stories, CSS Subgrid
In this week's roundup: Firefox gains locksmith-like powers, Samsung's Galaxy Store starts supporting Progressive Web Apps, CSS Subgrid is shipping in Firefox 70, and a new study confirms that users prefer to tap into content rather than scroll through it.
Let's get into the news.
Location, Privilege and Performant Websites
Here’s a wonderful reminder from Stephanie Stimac about web performance. She writes about a recent experience of moving to an area with an unreliable network and how this caused problems for her as she tried to figure out what was happening during a power blackout:
Assuming all of your customers...
Optimizing Images for Users with Slow Network Speeds
For every website, page load time is a critical factor that can make or break the business. Thanks to the better user experience that comes with a fast-loading webpage, those who focus on page load optimization enjoy better conversion rates, better SEO, better retention, and lower bounce rates.
[aktualita] Hlídač Shopů výrazně rozšířil počet sledovaných eshopů a spustil webovou verzi
Společný projekt firem Apify, Keboola a TopMonks, který začal v roce 2018 monitorovat umělé navyšování cen u tří největších českých e-commerce hráčů během Black Friday, přidal data o cenách produktů desítky velkých v česku působících e-shopů a spouští webovou verzi. Projekt pro monitoring...
Bitcoin Cash Captured 90% of October’s Crypto Spending in Australia
Just recently the web portal reported that the number of bitcoin cash (BCH) Australian retail transactions throughout the month of September outshined every other digital currency by a wide margin. After the study, the researchers analyzed transactions for the month of October...
Filecoin, But Forever: Arweave Raises $5 Million to Build Out ‘Permaweb’
Arweave, a startup building a decentralized storage protocol for the world's knowledge, raises $5 million via token sale from a16z, USV and Multicoin
Simple Scraping API with zenscrape (Sponsored)
So many developers believe that scraping a URL’s content is easy — just a simple curl and you’re done, right? Nope. CAPTCHAs, rate limitations, origin-specific limitations — they make getting content off the web a nightmare. Luckily we now have services like zenscrape which...
The Essential Guide to Web Design for Thanksgiving
Autumn is notoriously famous for causing a seasonal affective disorder. It brings less sunny days, chilly mornings, and rains; however, it still has some happy moments, and Thanksgiving is...
The post The Essential Guide to Web Design for Thanksgiving appeared first on Onextrapixel
Piráti mají utrum. Skončil web i videoservery s nelegálním obsahem
Populární slovenská stránka s nelegálním videoobsahem,, nečekaně ukončila svou činnost. Zároveň zrušila i svou facebookovou stránku. Zrušeny totiž byly i streamovací servery, odkud služba vkládala veškerý obsah.
Na webu provozovatel udává jen strohé vysvětlení. Je jím ukončení
[aktualita] Warezový web ukončil činnost, streamovací servery byly odstaveny
Populární služba, na které bylo k dispozici velké množství seriálů s českými titulky, ukončila svoji činnost. Reagovala tak na skutečnost, kdy se hollywoodská organizace ACE sdružující několik tamních velkých producentů audiovizuální zábavy domohla uzavření několika streamovacích...
Build a 100% Serverless REST API with Firebase Functions & FaunaDB
Indie and enterprise web developers alike are pushing toward a serverless architecture for modern applications. Serverless architectures typically scale well, avoid the need for server provisioning and most importantly are easy and cheap to set up! And that’s why I believe the next evolution...