
Nalezeno "images": 57

Ways to Organize and Prepare Images for a Blur-Up Effect Using Gatsby

Gatsby does a great job processing and handling images. For example, it helps you save time with image optimization because you don’t have to manually optimize each image on your own. With plugins and some configuration, you can even setup image preloading and a technique called blur-up for your...

The Department of Useless Images

Gerry McGovern: The Web is smothering in useless images. These clichéd, stock images communicate absolutely nothing of value, interest or use. They are one of the worst forms of digital pollution because they take up space on the page, forcing more useful content out of sight. They also slow down...

Workflow Considerations for Using an Image Management Service

There are all these sites out there that want to help you with your images. They do things like optimize your images and help you serve them performantly. That's a very good thing. By any metric, images are a major slice of the resources on websites, and we're notoriously bad at optimizing them...

Two Images and an API: Everything We Need for Recoloring Products

I recently found a solution to dynamically update the color of any product image. So with just one <img> of a product, we can colorize it in different ways to show different color options. We don’t even need any fancy SVG or CSS to get it done! We’ll be using an image editor (e.g. Photoshop...

Adaptive Photo Layout with Flexbox

Let’s take a look at a super lightweight way to create a horizontal masonry effect for a set of arbitrarily-sized photos. Throw any set of photos at it, and they will line up edge-to-edge with no gaps anywhere. The solution is not only lightweight but also quite simple. We’ll be using an unordered...

How to Create Non-Fungible Assets and Collectible Tokens With Bitcoin Cash

On August 21, James Cramer, the developer behind the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP), announced the launch of the Electron Cash SLP version 3.5. The latest release allows people to create a new type of SLP token called NFT1, a non-fungible token that can be grouped together by a single ID....

Getting Netlify Large Media Going

I just did this the other day so I figured I'd blog it up. There is a thing called Git Large File Storage (Git LFS). Here's the entire point of it: it keeps large files out of your repo directly. Say you have 500MB of images on your site and they kinda need to be in the repo so you can work with...

Tips for rolling your own lazy loading

You may have heard (or even issued the call) that “we can just use lazy loading!” when looking for a way to slim down a particularly heavy web page. Lazy loading is a popular technique for gradually requesting images as they come into view, rather than all at once after the HTML of the page...

What if we got aspect-ratio sized images by doing almost nothing?

Say you have an image you're using in an <img> that is 800x600 pixels. Will it actually display as 800px wide on your site? It's very likely that it will not. We tend to put images into flexible container elements, and the image inside is set to width: 100%;. So perhaps that image ends...

Native Lazy Loading

IntersectionObserver has made lazy loading a lot easier and more efficient than it used to be, but to do it really right you still gotta remove the src and such, which is cumbersome. It's definitely not as easy as: <img src="celebration.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="..." /> Addy Osmani says...

Planning for Responsive Images

The first time I made an image responsive, it was as simple as coding these four lines: img { max-width: 100%; height auto; /* default */ } Though that worked for me as a developer, it wasn’t the best for the audience. What happens if the the image in the src attribute is heavy? On high-end...

“the closest thing web standards have to a golden rule”

The internet's own Mat Marquis plucks this choice quote from the HTML Design Principals spec: In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity. And then he applies the idea to putting images on websites in 2019. Direct Link to Article...

How do you figure?

Scott O'Hara digs into the <figure> and <figcaption> elements. Gotta love a good ol' HTML deep dive. I use these on just about every blog post here on CSS-Tricks, and as I've suspected, I've basically been doing it wrong forever. My original thinking was that a figcaption was just...

Using Artificial Intelligence to Generate Alt Text on Images

Web developers and content editors alike often forget or ignore one of the most important parts of making a website accessible and SEO performant: image alt​ text. You know, that seemingly small image attribute that describes an image: ​​​<img src="/cute/sloth/image.jpg" alt="A brown baby sloth...

Sometimes `sizes` is quite important.

Paraphrased question from email: I just read your article Responsive Images: If you’re just changing resolutions, use srcset. In the age of "responsive websites," srcset does not help in certain situations. For example, I have a popular products slider. On mobile, I have one image per slide where...

An Almost Ideal React Image Component

Yes, this is a React component, but regardless if you care about that part or not, the "ideal image component" part could be of interest. There is a lot to consider with how we put images on web pages these days. This deals with: Placeholder space (and then flexible responsive styles after...

The Four Big Ways Jetpack Helps with Image Performance

We've been working with Jetpack around here as a sponsor. It's a great match because as someone with a bunch of self-hosted WordPress sites, Jetpack is one of those no-brainer plugins for me. Jetpack can do a ton of good things for any site in a variety of very different ways. Here's one way...

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