
Nalezeno "element()": 318

Oh Hey, Padding Percentage is Based on the Parent Element’s Width

I learned something about percentage-based (%) padding today that I had totally wrong in my head! I always thought that percentage padding was based on the element itself. So if an element is 1,000 pixels wide with padding-top: 50%, that padding is 500 pixels. It's weird having top padding based...

Two-Value Display Syntax (and Sometimes Three)

You know the single-value syntax: .thing { display: block; }. The value "block" being a single value. There are lots of single values for display. For example, inline-flex, which is like flex in that it becomse a flex container, but behaves like an inline-level element rather than a block-level...

Some Things You Oughta Know When Working with Viewport Units

David Chanin has a quickie article summarizing a problem with setting an element's height to 100vh in mobile browsers and then also positioning something on the bottom of that. Summarized in this graphic: The trouble is that Chrome isn't taking the address bar (browser chrome) into account when...

Float Element in the Middle of a Paragraph

Say you want to have an image (or any other element) visually float left into a paragraph of text. But like... in the middle of the paragraph, not right at the top. It's doable, but it's certainly in the realm of CSS trickery! One thing you can do is slap the image right in the middle of...

The Current State of Styling Selects in 2019

Best I could tell from the last time I compiled the most wished-for features of CSS, styling form controls was a major ask. Top 5, I'd say. And of the native form elements that people want to style, Greg Whitworth has some data that the <select> element is more requested than any other...

Animated Position of Focus Ring

Maurice Mahan created FocusOverlay, a "library for creating overlays on focused elements." That description is a little confusing at you don't need a library to create focus styles. What the library actually does is animate the focus rings as focus moves from one element to another. It's based...

Is China’s New Fascination With Blockchain Really Good for Bitcoin?

Blockchain development has kind of become an element of the party line in the world’s largest officially communist state. The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, recently told a Politburo meeting that the People’s Republic has to gain an edge in the emerging...

The `hidden` Attribute is Visibly Weak

There is an HTML attribute that does exactly what you think it should do: <div>I'm visible</div> <div hidden>I'm hidden</div> It even has great browser support. Is it useful? Uhm. Maybe. Not really. Adam Laki likes the semantics of it: If we use the hidden...

Weaving One Element Over and Under Another Element

In this post, we’re going to use CSS superpowers to create a visual effect where two elements overlap and weave together. The epiphany for this design came during a short burst of spiritual inquisitiveness where I ended up at The Bible Project’s website. They make really cool animations, and...

The Teletype Text Element Lives On… at Least on This Site

It was this: <tt> I say "was" because it's deprecated. It may still "work" (like everybody's favorite <marquee> in some browsers), but it could stop working anytime, they say. The whole purpose of it was to display text in a monospace font, like the way Teletype machines used...

Some Hands-On with the HTML Dialog Element

This is me looking at the HTML <dialog> element for the first time. I've been aware of it for a while, but haven't taken it for a spin yet. It has some pretty cool and compelling features. I can't decide for you if you should use it in production on your sites, but I'd think it's starting...

Breakout Buttons

Andy covers a technique where a semantic <button> is used within a card component, but really, the whole card is clickable. The trick is to put a pseudo-element that goes beyond the button, covering the entire card. The tradeoff is that the pseudo-element sits on top of the text, so text...

Enhancing The Clickable Area Size

Here’s a great post by Ahmad Shadeed on making sure that clickable areas in our interfaces are, well, clickable. He writes about making sure that links, buttons and other elements meet accessibility standards for both touch and mouse, too. I particularly like the section where Ahmad writes about...

Multi-Million Dollar HTML

Two stories: Jason Grigsby finds Chipotle's online ordering form makes use of an input-masking technique that chops up a credit card expiration year making it invalid and thus denying the order. If pattern="\d\d" maxlength="2" was used instead (native browser feature), the browser is smart enough...

An Explanation of How the Intersection Observer Watches

There have been several excellent articles exploring how to use this API, including choices from authors such as Phil Hawksworth, Preethi, and Mateusz Rybczonek, just to name a few. But I’m aiming to do something a bit different here. I had an opportunity earlier in the year to present the VueJS...

Two Browsers Walked Into a Scrollbar

Surprise: scrollbars are complicated, especially cross-browser and cross-platform. Sometimes they take up space and sometimes they don't. Sometimes that is affected by a setting and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes you can see them and sometimes you can't unless you're actually scrolling. Styling...

Various Methods for Expanding a Box While Preserving the Border Radius

I've recently noticed an interesting change on CodePen: on hovering the pens on the homepage, there's a rectangle with rounded corners expanding in the back. Expanding box effect on the CodePen homepage. Being the curious creature that I am, I had to check how this works! Turns out, the rectangle...

Need to scroll to the top of the page?

Perhaps the easiest way to offer that to the user is a link that targets an ID on the <html> element. So like... <html id="top"> <body> <!-- the entire document --> <a href="#top">Jump to top of page</a> ...

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