
Nalezeno "abbr": 92

“Headless Mode”

A couple of months ago, we invited Marc Anton Dahmen to show off his database-less content management system (CMS) Automad. His post is an interesting inside look at templating engines, including how they work, how CMSs use them, and how they impact the way we write things, such as loops. Well...

Highlights from Chrome Dev Summit 2019

Ire Aderinokun has made another round-up summary of some things that piqued her attention during this year’s Chrome Dev Summit and there’s a lot of exciting news! There’s the :is selector (which Geoff wrote about a while back) as well as logical properties, updates to standard form elements,...

Create Amazingly Stable Tests Your Way — Coded and Code-Less

Testim’s end-to-end test automation delivers the speed and stability of AI-based codeless tests, with the power of code. You get the flexibility to record or code tests, run on third-party grids, fit your workflow and tools including CI, Git and more. Join the Dev Kit beta to start writing stable...

JAMstack CMSs Have Finally Grown Up!

This article is based on Brian's presentation at Connect.Tech 2019. Slides with speaker notes from that presentation are available to download. In my experience, developers generally find the benefits of the JAMstack easy to comprehend. Sites are faster because the resources are static and served...

Making an Audio Waveform Visualizer with Vanilla JavaScript

As a UI designer, I’m constantly reminded of the value of knowing how to code. I pride myself on thinking of the developers on my team while designing user interfaces. But sometimes, I step on a technical landmine. A few years ago, as the design director of, I was helping to re-design...

Netlify CMS Open Authoring

I like the term "Git-backed CMS." That term works for an emerging style of CMS that looks and behaves much like any other CMS, with a fascinating twist: it doesn't actually store any data for you. These CMSs are connected to a Git repo where the data lives in flat files (e.g. Markdown). You teach...

Making a Chart? Try Using Mobx State Tree to Power the Data

Who loves charts? Everyone, right? There are lots of ways to create them, including a number of libraries. There’s D3.js, Chart.js, amCharts, Highcharts, and Chartist, to name only a few of many, many options. But we don’t necessary need a chart library to create charts. Take Mobx-state-tree (MST)...

A Look at JAMstack’s Speed, By the Numbers

People say JAMstack sites are fast — let’s find out why by looking at real performance metrics! We’ll cover common metrics, like Time to First Byte (TTFB) among others, then compare data across a wide section of sites to see how different ways to slice those sites up compare. First, I’d like...

Digging Into the Preview Loading Animation in WordPress

WordPress shipped the Block Editor (aka Gutenberg) back in version 5.0 and with it came a snazzy new post preview screen that shows the WordPress logo drawing itself while the preview loads. That's what you get when saving a post draft and clicking the "Preview" button in the editor. How'd they...

Automatically compress images on Pull Requests

Sarah introduced us to GitHub Actions right after it dropped about a year ago. Now they have improved the feature and are touting its CI/CD abilities. Run tests, do deployment, do whatever stuff computers do! It's essentially a YAML file that says run this, then this, then this, etc., with...

Need to scroll to the top of the page?

Perhaps the easiest way to offer that to the user is a link that targets an ID on the <html> element. So like... <html id="top"> <body> <!-- the entire document --> <a href="#top">Jump to top of page</a> ...

The Best (GraphQL) API is One You Write

Listen, I am no GraphQL expert but I do enjoy working with it. The way it exposes data to me as a front-end developer is pretty cool. It's like a menu of available data and I can ask for whatever I want. That's a massive improvement over REST and highly empowering for me as a front-end developer...

Maskable Icons: Android Adaptive Icons for Your PWA

There is a new web feature called maskable icons that is coming soon to Firefox Preview and other web browsers. This new icon format will let your PWAs have their own adaptive icons on Android. The post Maskable Icons: Android Adaptive Icons for Your PWA appeared first on CSS-Tricks

Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe with GraphQL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that is very empowering for front-end developers. As the GraphQL site explains it, you describe your data, ask for what you want, and get predictable results. If you haven’t worked with it before, GraphQL might be a little confusing to grok at first glance....

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