
Nalezeno "gif": 66

JavaScript in SVGs

SVGs are such an amazing tool for creating custom fonts, animations, size-reduced graphics, and more. They’re part HTML, part image, and all awesome. Many websites have moved toward SVG instead of JPG, GIF, and PNG due to the flexibility that SVG provides. Whats one example of that...

Jetpack Slideshow Block

One of the many (many) useful things that Jetpack does is give you extra-fancy custom blocks in the WordPress block (AKA Gutenberg) editor: a slideshow, business hours, contact info, GIF, Mailchimp, Map, Markdown, Pinterest, Star Rating, Recurring Payments Button, Repeat Visitor, Simple Payments...

Masking GIFs with other GIFs

The other day, Cassie Evans tweeted a really neat trick that I’ve never seen before: using SVG to mask one GIF on top of another. The effect is quite lovely, especially if you happen to grab a colorful GIF and place it on top of a monochrome one:  See the Pen Masking gifs with other gifs......

Reduced Motion Picture Technique, Take Two

Did you see that neat technique for using the <picture> element with <source media=""> to serve an animated image (or not) based on a prefers-reduced-motion media query? After we shared that in our newsletter, we got an interesting reply from Michael Gale: What about folks who love...

Reducing motion with the picture element

Here’s a bonafide CSS/HTML trick from Brad Frost and Dave Rupert where they use the <picture> element to switch out a GIF file with an image if the user has reduced motion enabled. This is how Brad goes about implementing that: <picture> <!-- This image will be loaded if...

How to Change Animated GIF Speed

Comedians would tell you that timing is the most important part of any joke. The same could be said about animated GIFs; whether they’re used as a meme or to illustrate a process, the speed of an animated GIF can effect its effectiveness. With that idea in mind, I set about trying to figure...

Slyšíte obraz? Vyzkoušejte si, zda jste jedním ze čtyř lidí

Se vzrůstající oblibou GIFů si čím dál více lidí na sobě všímá zvláštního jevu: při pozorování tichého obrázku mají pocit, že slyší zvuky. Zajímavou anomálii zkoumala červnová studie. Zda se fenomén projevuje i u vás, si můžete vyzkoušet.Další články k tématu:Tvrdili vám, že máte jen pět smyslů....

Count Frames in an Animated GIF

The animated GIF always makes me chuckle; on one hand they seem like a relic of the “old web”, on the other hand they aren’t going anywhere and their meme-like presence seem to only make them more popular.  If you browse through my media blog posts archives, you’ll notice...

Transmit Droplets

Ethan Marcotte documented his workflow for storing GIFs in a web directory. Sometimes just SFTPing files into a folder is as fancy a workflow as you need, and in fact, modern workflows don't have anything on it! I've also used Transmit's fancy features for this kind of thing. I prefer saving...

TOP GIFy týdne: Gifová olympiáda 2018

Mezi nejsledovanější disciplíny letošní gifové olympiády bezesporu patří epické sundávání brýlí, curling s robotickým vysavačem a trocha toho štěkání a mňoukání. Winter 2018 PyeongChang Best hair reveal ever  The winter Olympics are on point Teddy Bear Kiss Cam Superman! when you’re bored...

TOP GIFy týdne: Aport!

Dobrý aport je jako GIF – co chvíli se to celé zopakuje. A tak pořád dokola!Puppy tries to entice cats to play with him. Forever Fetching ∞ Incredibly athletic 8 year old It is only logical. This Desk Has Secret Compartments Accessible Via RFID Card „Is that him? It’s him!… Číst...

TOP GIFy týdne: Psí burrito

Váš hlad po šťavnatých GIFech spolehlivě zažene naše týdenní menu! Corgi Burrito Sweet buffet! Aww, shucks. Living with a fox „I’m gonna sleep next to you.“ „Holy shit I actually caught it!“ Winter fun: Who drowns whom LED cube When your best friend is kinda dumb,...

TOP GIFy týdne: Vánoce, Vánoce přicházejí

Vánoční GIFy přicházejí, zpívejme přátelé! Little girl knows exactly what she wants for Christmas. Helping set up the Christmas tree :P K9 Lightening Bolt Gate leap Taking Star Wars to a new level New kind of spa offers full-body puppy therapy 2000HP Lamborghini Gallardo goes off track at over...

TOP GIFy týdne: Rychle a zběsile

My víme, že všichni už pospícháte domů, ale pár GIFů si ještě prohlédnout zvládnete. slow down bambi Sliding into holiday’s The fast lane. „Hey, wait for me!“ The magic of happiness That look at the end though… Helping set up the Christmas tree Just another storm....

TOP GIFy týdne: GIFy, které slyšíte

Taky slyšíte, jak to duní? Underwater Explosion I enjoyed watching this and though your guys might too. Grandma's first VR experience Brave Dog Surprise Air Drop! Raccoon warfare Supporting a friend This Thinker little boy asked his mom if he could go hug the police officer "kill...

TOP GIFy týdne: Boj o tenisák

Ty internety se nám na chvíli změnily v tenisákové šílenství. Without GMOs. We wouldn't have this Pathetic Pump track dangerous dance move…ouch!! Testing self-proclaimed Tarzan Skylight reimagined, eh? In Russia food picks you. My germs! A fan for life. His dad has had enough of...

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